Home English Essays My Favourite Book Essay in English for Class 10

My Favourite Book Essay in English for Class 10


Here is an essay on My Favourite Book for Class 10 Students in English. This My Favourite Book Essay is about the Book of Allama Iqbal Bang-e-Dara. This essay has been taken from Tips up-to-date papers book. Bang-e-Dara is known as “The Call of the Marching Bell“. This is an easy essay without quotes for the students of Class 10. However, if you are students of Intermediate, you should see the Essay on My Favourite Book (Holly Quran) with Quotations.

Essay on My Favourite Book for 10th Class Students

There are hundreds of books in the market. They are written for everyone. Some books are meant for only children. While the others are for grown-ups. I read many books but I like Bang-e-Dara most of all. It is a collection of Urdu poems written by Allama Iqbal. I read many of its poems in my first reading. Many poems are interesting and well worded. The first interesting poem is about the Himalayas. This book contains beautiful and great poems. Some poems are about famous men like Ghalib, Sir Seyyid, Hazrat Bilal (God be pleased with him), Fatima bint-e-Abdullah and Sir Fazal Hussain. Some poems relate the beauties of nature. Some poems discuss the conditions of Indo-Pak. Some poems describe the miserable conditions of the Muslim and persuade them to improve their lot like ancestors. It has many long poems like Shikwa, Jawab-e-Shikwa. Khazar-e-Rah, Talu-e-Islam. These poems are full of lessons for Muslims. They remind us to love Islam and be united to safeguard their rights. Iqbal wanted Pan Islamism.

The poems persuade us to leave idle life and work in the living present to enjoy a bright future. Allama Iqbal wanted to see us free, strong and prosperous. It is indeed a great book which has lessons for children and adults alike.  I love this book and study it when I have spare time. It has fired in me a love for Islam and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). I always keep it under my pillow to enjoy it any time. It is my favourite book which is read and loved most of all leaving alone the Holly Quran.

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