Home English Letter Writing Letter to Your Younger Brother Pointing Out Evils of Cramming

Letter to Your Younger Brother Pointing Out Evils of Cramming


Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Pointing Out Evils of Cramming

Here is a letter to your younger brother pointing out evils of cramming. This letter is an example if somebody wants to write a letter on evils of cramming. However, students of FSC can prepare it for the exams. For more Letter examples you can visit this link.

Informal Letter to Your Brother About Cramming

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
May 12, 2018.

My dear brother,

It is nice to know that you are now comfortable with your environment. You were really disturbed when you were departing from us for a better opportunity and further studies. Thank God, you have availed the opportunity of studying in a renowned college in a big city.

Now, you are in F.Sc. Studying in F.Sc really differentiates you from other students. Moreover studying science subjects is considered an insignia of intelligence, brilliance and calibre. It requires a proper application of one’s abilities and logical way of thinking. Somes students resort to shortcut methods. They start cramming certain topics and reproduce them in the same way. They do not care whether it is the exact answer or not. Students who resort to cramming face problems from which they find it hard to come out. Cramming mars creativity.

Cramming affects creative ability and thinking. They just become parrots. Moreover, cramming deprives them of writing power, which is much required for the competitive and professional exams.

The best for you is to go through your textbooks thoroughly. Develop an understanding of the given and related concepts. Learn to organize scraps of knowledge and think about innovations. Try to retain what you have learnt by going through the material from different reference books. Discuss concepts with your teachers. Try to find the complex logical solution to every problem which you confront. I hope that you will pay heed to what I said.

Yours Sincerely,

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