Home English Letter Writing Write a Letter to Your Friend Advising him to Improve his Health

Write a Letter to Your Friend Advising him to Improve his Health


Informal letter of Advice to a friend about healthy life and Advising him to Avoid Junk Food | Informal Letter to Friend

In this letter, you will find Example of Informal Letter to your Friend advising him to Improve his health. This is a letter of advice to a friend about Healthy life and healthy food. In this letter advice a friend to avoid Junk foods. Also, give him some tips to spend a healthy life. You can also visit This Link for more letters.

Write a Letter to Your Friend Advising him to Improve his Health

Examination Hall,
July 11, 2018

My dear friend,

Your last letter bore the news of your illness which shocked me. You have always been very conscious about your health. Your hypochondriac attitude has been a source of amusement for some of our friends. To know that our exams are drawing near makes the matter worse.

It is not a good sign. Anyhow, one must not be depressed to tense up. As far as, my opinion is concerned, I feel that it is because of the fact that you have been staying in the hostel for a long time. You have been unable to get home cooked food. The quality of food in hostel may not be so good. Be careful, get a relapse and try to eat home-cooked food. This will help you in overcoming your digestive problem.

Act upon the advice of the doctor, take medicine regularly. You must take a balanced diet. You must take exercise daily. Get up early in the morning and go for a walk after offering prayer. Try to avoid eating things purchased from hawkers on side of the road and open stalls or food points. Be careful, try to control your desire for eating spicy food items like Dahi-Bhallas, fruit-chat, Kababs and Tikkas, Gol-Gappas and other which are sold openly.

Take proper rest. Be relaxed confident. God has blessed man with hidden, obvious, known and unknown potentialiti9es. I think you have understood What I am trying to explain.

Dear friend, God has blessed us with unlimited powers and made our body to fight and protect itself against every disease. It is common knowledge that there is no such disease as there is no treatment. A healthy attitude and healthy habits preserve and secure our body. God has maintained a natural armour in our body. Try to follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) who is not only a model for the Muslims but also for the all human beings.

Pray regards to all at home.

Yours truly,


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