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Best Essay On Unemployment with Outline for Students


Unemployment in Pakistan Essay with Outline for the Students of B.A, BSC, Bcom and BCS

In this post, you will find an Essay on Unemployment with Outline for the students of B.A, BSC, Bcom and BCS. Here are 3 different examples of this essay with different difficulty levels. You can write the same essay under the title, Essay on Unemployment, Essay on Unemployment in Pakistan, Unemployment essay in Pakistan, unemployment in Pakistan essay. The 1st essay is an outstanding essay with 477 words.

Outline of Unemployment Essays

  1. Unemployment is the mother of countless evils.
  2. In Pakistan, we find increasing unemployment in different fields.
  3. Overpopulation is a major cause of unemployment.
  4. The slow economic and scientific progress is perhaps the greatest cause of unemployment.
  5. The defective system of our education is also responsible for this serious problem.
  6. To get rid of this problem, we have to develop our economy on modern lines.
  7. Rapid industrialization can remove the dark clouds of unemployment.
  8. Our government is trying to solve this problem as early as possible.

Unemployment means not having enough jobs to employ the unemployed. Unemployment is the mother of countless evils. It pollutes the society and wrecks the political fabric of the county. It turns the law-abiding and honest men into criminals and dacoits. It is difficult to expect truth, nobility and honesty from a person who cannot have two square meals a day, and who cannot provide a morsel of food or a dose of medicine to his sick wife or ailing children. A long spell of poverty and unemployment is a great menace to the state.

In Pakistan, we find increasing unemployment in different fields. Thousands of B.A’s and M.A’s are idle as they cannot even get the jobs of clerks. There are many causes of large scale unemployment.

First of all, the population of our country and other developing countries is rising fast. It becomes difficult to meet the needs of all the additional population. If the population goes on increasing at the present speed, all efforts of the government to provide employment and food for the public are bound to fail.

The slow economic and scientific progress is perhaps the greatest cause of unemployment. Because of sluggish industrial growth, there are not many large factories and industrial centres where labourers, skilled workers and fresh graduates can get employed.

The defective system of our education is also responsible for this serious problem. We neglect technical education. Our young men do not like physical labour. There are not enough desk jobs available in the country. As a result, unemployment prevails in society. Moreover, the decline of the cottage and small industries are also a cause of unemployment. The increasing demand of goods is also a cause of unemployment. The demand for locally made products has decreased. This thing has created a lot of problems not only for the government but also for the highly skilled artisans.

To get rid of this problem, we have to develop our economy on modern lines. Our agriculture system is backward. We must develop it with new techniques. Besides, we need to develop our cottage industries. These industries need less capital and more manpower.

Rapid industrialization can remove the dark clouds of unemployment. In rural areas, small-scale industries should be set-up.  The government should set up new factories in as many places as possible. Unemployed and skilled workers will be able to get employment in large number.

Our government is trying to solve this problem as early as possible. But in spite of all much more is needed. The concept of education should be changed. Planned limits. The government must create a powerful stimulus for foreign investors. The menace of unemployment cannot be overcome without effective planning. It is only after a long struggle that we can get rid of this evil.

2. Essay On Unemployment, Causes and Solution with Outline

  • Outline A World-wide problem.
  • In Pakistan, unemployment is at its highest peak.
  • A source of discontent.
  • Causes of large-scale unemployment.
  • A comprehensive plan is required to combat unemployment.

Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Unemployment is an economic term which shows an inability to find work for which one is suited by nature or attainments. It is a worldwide problem. Even rich and advanced countries like America, Britain and France suffer from unemployment. Its percentage varies according to the industrial and economic development of a country.

In Pakistan, unemployment is at its highest peak. All professions are over-crowded. A graduate is not welcomed in any office. There is no scope in the professions of medicine, engineering, law and education. Hundreds of qualified youngsters are wandering in search of jobs. Thousands of labourers and workers are jobless in cities and villages.

Unemployment is a social evil. It is a source of discontent, depression and anxiety for the educated as well as the uneducated people. Corruption, crime, unrest, sin and vices of all sorts prevail in a society where people are unemployed. It brings hunger, starvation, and disease. The frustrated youngsters are falling prey to violence, theft, terrorism, drugs-addiction, drug-trafficking and many other heinous crimes.

There are several causes of large-scale unemployment in Pakistan. Some are the following:

  1. Our defective education system is responsible for the high rate of unemployment. It only produces young men who hate manual labour. They want to get only some white-collar job. This system does not meet the economic needs of the country.
  2. The pace of economic development of the country is very slow. The mills and factories are unable to absorb all the jobless people. Moreover, ill-planned mechanisation and computer technology are also causing unemployment.
  3. In our country, a few privileged persons control the whole economy. Most of them are uneducated and unskill. But, the educated young men have neither the capital nor the opportunities to try their luck in business.
  4. The rapid growth of population is a major cause of unemployment. The resources of the country are not enough to maintain such a large population. The result is unemployment.

The large-scale unemployment is creating many social, economic, moral political and psychological problems in our society. Therefore, a comprehensive plan is required to combat unemployment. The education system should be reshaped to produce skilled manpower. the government should speed up the pace of economic development. Especially, the fields of energy telecommunication and transportation should be encouraged. The government should introduce self-employment schemes and set up small industries in rural and underdeveloped areas. Moreover, sincere and adequate steps should be taken to overcome the population explosion. The problem of unemployment cannot be eliminated entirely. However, it can be alleviated with devotion, sincerity and wisdom.

3. Easy Essay on Unemployment for Class 10, Class 12, FA, FSC, BA and BSC

A person who does not have work to earn his livelihood is called an unemployed person. Unemployment is a universal problem. Everybody faces it. Even developed countries like Britain and America face it. Unemployment exists at two levels in our country. There are uneducated people who have no source of income in this country. Unemployment also exists among educated people. This is very dangerous in its results.

Thousands of persons holding master’s degrees are out of job. There are numberless doctors, engineers and scientists who have degrees in their hands but they are unemployed. Even people with foreign qualification wander aimlessly in search of jobs. There are many thousands of unemployed labourers farm workers in villages and workers in cities who are daily breadwinners. Sometimes they do not get work for days and weeks together.

The causes of large-scale unemployment are many.

First, our system of education is defective. It does not fulfil our social and economic needs. It aims at producing clerks and peons instead of technicians and skilful workers. It needs scientists, technical hands and skilful workers. Our education produces young graduates who do not like to work with their hands. We must change our education and harness it to the economic needs of the country.

Secondly, our country is not much advanced in the industry. We have a few mills and factories. We cannot absorb jobless people in these factories and mills.

Thirdly, the industry of the country is controlled by a few privileged people. They do not let others share their experience and capital. If they make a little sacrifice, they can raise a network of industries in the country. The educated people have neither the opportunity nor the capital to set up an industry. The industrialists can give an incentive to the educated people to set up new factories and mills.

Fourthly, our population is increasing rapidly It is very difficult to provide jobs to such a large number of people. They go on increasing every year. Our country is underdeveloped and its sources are limited.

Large-scale unemployment has very bad effects on the progress of the country. Unemployed people do not take part in the development of the country. Moreover, the unemployed people in any society suffer from an inferiority complex. They suffer from the agony that they are worthless and good for nothing. Unemployment brings frustration and disappointment among the educated as well as the uneducated people. It brings in its wake hunger, starvation and disease. It produces a feeling of revolt among the unemployed.

Essay on Unemployment was previously in exams – P.U. 2002, P.U. 2007 B.Sc

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  1. Ayesha hani

    March 30, 2022 at 3:00 pm

    awesome!! keep it up…👍👍


  2. Anila Nadir

    December 25, 2022 at 7:29 am

    Nice good job 👌


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