Home English Essays Essay on Population Explosion with Quotations

Essay on Population Explosion with Quotations


Essay on Population Explosion in Pakistan for Matric, FA, FSC, Intermediate, 2nd Year, BA and BSC

Here is an essay on Population Explosion for Class 10, Class 12, Graduation and other classes. You can write the same essay under the question Essay on Population, Essay on Population Explosion, Essay on Population Growth, Essay on Population Explosion in Pakistan. This essay is posted here for the students of different classes. However, this is an important essay for 2nd year students with quotes. There is a 2nd essay for the students of B.A and BSc. However, students can mix up both essays. See This Link for more English Essays.

Essay on Population Explosion with Quotations

A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero. (Garrett Hardin)

The population is growing at a terribly fast pace. Statistical data predict if the population goes on increasing at the present pace, there will only be enough room on the earth for people to stand on. The population has increased tremendously in the last few decades. Almost all the specialists in different fields agree that population increase is very harmful to the progress and prosperity of people living on this planet.

Increase in population is because of many factors. The most important factor is the ignorance of the people. They do not know what hazards are posed by a rapid increase in population. They have no idea that, in the long run, it will affect their life standard and overall progress of the country.

“If the world is to save any part of its Resources for the Future, It must reduce not only consumption the number of Consumers”. (B.F. Skinner)

Their concern for their health and hygiene has increased much. They are more cautious. Better cure and treatment is available. In the two World Wars, millions of people were killed. This led to a reduction in the population of the countries which were engaged in the war. Now geographical wars are going on but their total effect on the world’s population is not so significant.

Increase in population is much higher in under-developed countries. Here schools, colleges, and hospitals are few and far between. There are no modern facilities or opportunities for people to rise in life. People are superstitious and narrow-minded. Towns and cities are polluted and the government officials are often corrupt.

It is the need of the hour to take steps to reduce the rate of population growth. The rapid growth of population is going to usurp all our resources. Overpopulation mars the efforts of the planners. No development program can be enforced effectively without a check on the growth of population. It is better to have a fewer well educated, prosperous person than to have hordes of uneducated and unskilled person.

But which everyone swears won’t happen until tomorrow. (Brunner)

Islam presents a totally different view. It does not put a check on population growth. It encourages us to exploit the natural resources for the betterment of the whole human race. However, according to the Quran, there comes a natural gap between the births of children if the mother feeds her baby for two years.

We can stop the rapid increase in population through awareness programs that include educating the people about the dangers of our population, giving people incentives for family planning and introducing laws that put check and balances on the birth of more the two children. The most important this is the desire among the individuals to limit the size of their families, and that can only be cultivated through education and reeducation.

As a small country, both in size and population, our future hinges on the quality of our people. (Hassanal)

Population Explosion Essay for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation

The population of a country is one of the sources of its strength. It supplies men for its armed forces, industry, agriculture, administration and other social, economic and political activities. If a country gives proper education and training to its millions of people, they can earn and produce not only for themselves but also for the world at large. The increasing production and export of goods can thus make this country rich and strong But the size of the population should be well within the means of the country to support it. Every increase in the number of eating mouths must have a proportionate increase in the economic means and the total income of the country. But this is not happening and can never happen in every country at all times. The result is that the population everywhere in the world is growing at a rate faster than the development of economic resources.

Rapid population growth poses a serious threat to the economics of poor and developing countries like Pakistan. It has many disadvantages for the economic progress of the country. First, since the resources of national income are limited, the rapid addition in eating mouths leads to the scarcity of essential commodities. Thus the food problem in Pakistan has become chronic in nature. Every year the government has to spend crores of rupees on the import of eatables like wheat, sugar, edible oils etc. Valuable foreign exchange spent on the import of these things can be spent more profitably on the import of machinery and other goods needed for developmental activities.

It is also responsible for the problem of widespread unemployment and constantly rising prices in Pakistan. The government is finding it difficult to provide the facilities of schools, hospitals roads, houses etc. to the ever-increasing number of people. If this state of affairs continues, it will result in general unrest and political revolution.

The statistical data collected recently shows that the population of Pakistan has doubled during the last ten years. This is alarming indeed. There is a great need to have an effective check of population growth. Majority of people are illiterate and orthodox. They believe that God Himself is responsible for providing a livelihood to all the living creatures. They do not know that God has made man independent and fully responsible for what he does. We are quite free to make life better or worse for ourselves. If a man acts wisely in other fields of life, why not here also. It is not at all wise for a poor man to have an unmanageably large family. In this age of high prices, it is very difficult for large families to have a good standard of living. It is desirable that Govt. should take positive steps to control the population.

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