Home English Essays Essay on Horrors of War with Quotations in English

Essay on Horrors of War with Quotations in English


This post contains an Essay on Horrors of War with Quotations in English for FSC 2nd Year students. The essay has been taken from Sunshine English (comprehensive-II). The vocabulary of this essay is very good. If you are students of the Second year of F.A, FSC, Icom or ICS and looking for English Essays, you can visit English Essays with Quotations for FSc. You will find a wide range of essays with quotes. Soon we will share posts which will contain only quotations for English essays.

The Horrors of War Essay with Quotes for FSC Students – 2nd Year English Notes

“There is nothing that war has ever achieved that we could not better achieve without it”. (Havelock Ellis)

War is an armed conflict between two or more states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. The war between different parts of factions of the same nation is called civil war.

After analyzing the whole history of war, it can plainly be said that war had always been full of horrors, It ever resulted in death, devastation, and disease. Even then when warriors used to fight face to face, the destruction of war was dreadful.  People where slaughtered or wounded. The after-effects of war were even more horrible.

The World of today is the world of science and technology. Man has invented and discovered astonishing instruments and tools to make life comfortable and secure. But, paradoxically, he has also invented most deadly weapons for his total extinction. Now many countries of the world possess nuclear warheads, germs warfare, and chemical bombs.

“I know the horrors of war: no gains can compensate for the losses it brings”. (Adolf Hitler)

The world has become a global village. Now the various countries are linked together economically, socially and politically. If a war breaks out, the other countries cannot be neutral. They will have to intervene for their own benefits. If this happens, any war would be a world war.

War is, in fact, man’s massacre on a massive scale. Death falls from firmament or erupts from the earth. It spares no one. The innocents expire, the soldiers suffer, and the population perishes. Starvation and fatality are the ultimate upshot of war. War leads to tears and fears.

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left”. (Bertrand Russell)

War brings about irreparable devastation of material assets. Property is wrecked. Buildings are ruined. Skyscrapers, plazas, huge factories, roads, hospitals, houses, gardens, crops, railways, runways, markets, are galleries all are changed into debris.

War is also the worst foe of culture and civilization. Cultural assets, splendid paintings, matchless manuscripts, unique historical heritage and priceless antiques, all are demolished. War extinguishes beauty, smothers morality and razes reason. Man behaves like animals. The paragon of beauty, the crown of the universe is burnt into ashes.

“It is for the benefit of mankind to mitigate the horrors of war as much as possible”. (Thomas Jefferson)

The after-effects of war are even more horrible than war itself. It is said that those who perish in war are less unfortunate than those who survive. Life becomes a misery. The infants weep for mother, the mothers cry for their infant babies. The houses are razed to the ground. The young girls survive homeless. Some are crippled, some are mad, and some widows with their infants in their arms wail and weep. What a human misery appears after a war.

War is human folly. Let the world think about it. They must take solid and sincere steps to stop the war. No problem can be solved by war. Let the world come to the table of negotiation for the settlement of their disputes. The UNO must realize its duty and be earnest in its efforts to resolve the disputes among different nations.

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