Home 2nd Year Biology Notes Class 12 Biology Chapter 17 Notes – Coordination and Control

Class 12 Biology Chapter 17 Notes – Coordination and Control


In this post, I am sharing the Class 12 Biology Chapter 17 Notes PDF for the students of Intermediate Part 2. This chapter’s name is Coordination and Control. Students can download the Class 12 Biology Chapter 17 Coordination and Control Notes PDF on their laptops or mobile. These Biology Notes are for all the boards working under the Punjab Board like Gujranwala Board, Lahore Board, Faisalabad Board, Multan Board, Rawalpindi Board, Sargodha Board, DG Kahn Board, and Sahiwal Board. Here are the complete FSC 2nd Year Biology Notes PDF chapters.

FSC Part 2 Biology Chapter 17 Notes – Coordination and Control

Class 12 Biology Notes


All organisms show certain common characteristic – one of them is to respond to stimuli. These stimuli may be internal or external, at molecular, sub-cellular, cellular, or organism level. The activities of different body parts in respond to these stimuli be coordinated.

(i) Cooridnation in unicellular:

In the unicellular organisms coordination exists between various cellular processes, and they respond to changes in their environment such as temperature, light intensity, concentration of various chemicals and ever to electric current.

(ii) Coordination in multicellular:

In multi – cellular organisms, although there is a division of labour among cells yet every cell can respond to changes in its immediate vicinity.

(iii) Limitation of sensory system:

It must be noted that evern the most highly developed organisms, e,g, we humans are unable to detect and respond to many changes or stimuli in environment as presence of bacteria on the surface of our body, because our sensory cells do not detect their presence – but some of out internal body cells do respond and produce chemicals or phagocytose them to destroy them. Humans are unable to see different radiation except for visible spectrum of light , but their body cells do respond to some of them.

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