Home Moral Stories Top 10 Small Stories for Kids in English with Moral Lesson

Top 10 Small Stories for Kids in English with Moral Lesson


This post contains the top 10 small stories for kids with moral lessons in English. These small short moral stories in English with moral lessons are for students. These moral stories are also very good bedtime stories. As a parent, if you are searching for moral stories or stories with good deeds for your kids, try these. However, for the students of senior classes, I have shared a dedicated post of Moral Stories for Students.

Small Short Moral stories in English with Moral Lessons for kids

Hereunder you will see all small stories for kids in English. These are very short moral stories for kids but I have shared long stories too. So, if you want lengthy moral stories you can see the link under each story.

A Wolf and A Lamb

Once upon a time, a wolf was drinking water at a stream. He was dying of hunger, as he had eaten nothing for the last two days. He saw a lamb drinking downstream. His mouth watered at its sight. How he longed to eat it up! He at once thought of a plan to pick up a quarrel with it. He said to the lamb, you rascal, why are you making the water muddy? don’t you see that I am drinking it? The lamb replied, “How can I make it muddy? It is flowing from you to me, not from me to you.” Now the wolf could say nothing. He at once changed the topic and said, “Why did you abuse me a year ago?” the lamb said, “I could never do si. I am hardly nine months old.” Then it must be your mother who abused me.” Saying this he jumped on the poor lamb and tore it into pieces.

Moral Lessons:

Might is right

One who is bent upon making mischief always finds something to quarrel about.

Another Might is Right Moral Story for Students is also available at this link.

A Little Fish

A fisherman once caught a very small fish. It looked at him and said, “Sir, I am very small yet. I shall not make you a good soup. Please have mercy on me and throw me back into the river. In a year or so I shall grow bigger. You can then gladly catch me.” “No,” said the fisherman, “I am not a fool to trust to chances. You are now in my hold. I shall not let you go. It is just possible I may not catch you again.” Saying so he put it into his bag and took it home. His wife cooked it and the family made a hearty meal of it.

Moral Lesson:

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

A Cap-seller and the monkeys

There lived a cap-seller in a certain village. He earned his living by selling caps. One day he went to a neighbouring village. It was terribly hot that day. he sat under a shady tree to ease his weary limbs. he placed the bundle of caps close by. Soon he fell into a deep slumber.

When he woke up, great was his surprise to find the caps missing. He looked for them everywhere but could not find them. He felt very uneasy.

By chance, he looked upwards. He saw many monkeys in the tree. All of them were wearing caps. He tried many plans to recover them, but all in vain. At last, he hit upon a plan. He had heard that monkeys are great imitators. He put off his cap and threw it on the ground. The monkeys did the same. he collected them and heaven a sigh of relief.

Moral Lesson:

Wisdom is better than weapons of war.

Go here for another story A cap-seller and monkeys.

A Woodcutter and An Angel

There lived a poor woodcutter in a certain village. He earned his living by selling wood. one day as he was cutting dry sticks from a tree on the bank of the river his axe fell down. He was deeply grieved and bewailed his lot.

Suddenly, an angel appeared. He had a gold axe with him. Pointing towards it he said to the wood-cutter, Is this axe yours? “No” replied the humble woodcutter. The angel dived into the river and again came out with a silver axe. He then asked the woodcutter if that axe belonged to him. He replied in the negative. The angel plunged into the water the third time and brought out an iron axe. No sooner did the woodcutter see it then he cried out with joy, “This is mine, this is mine.” The angel gave it to him. He also gave him the other two as a reward for his honesty.

Moral Lessons:

Honesty is the best policy.

Honesty pays in the long run.

Click here for another moral story honesty is the best policy.

How the theif was found out

Once a thief stole some cotton from the godown of a certain merchant. he could not be traced out. There lived a very clever man in the neighbourhood. he said to the merchant, “If you give me fifty rupees I shall catch the thief for you.” he agreed to pay him the money. The man then requested the merchant to invite all the village people to a feast. It was arranged and all went gladly to enjoy the banquet. When they were feasting the man stood up and said aloud, “the thief is present here. he seems to be very bold. he has not even cared to remove the cotton from his beard.” The culprit unconsciously touched his chin and cheeks lest some cotton would have stuck there. In this way, the thief was found out and arrested. Everyone present there praised the cleverness of the man.

Moral Lesson:

A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

A foolish servant

A certain rich man had many servants. One of them was devoid of sense. One day the rich man fell ill. He at once sent for a doctor. The doctor carefully examined him and prescribed a suitable medicine for him.

It was blue in colour. He instructed him to take three doses a day. The foolish servant placed the bottle containing medicine near the bottle of ink. When the master asked for the medicine, he gave him ink instead. The rich man took it and again lay on his bed.

Shortly afterwards the servant came to know of his mistake. He went running to his master and told him what had happened. The rich man was in a fix what to do. The foolish servant at once proposed to him to take a piece of blotting paper because it would suck up ink. At this, all burst out into peals of laughter.

Moral Lesson:

A prudent enemy is better than a foolish friend.

Twelve Weavers

There lived twelve weavers in a certain village. Once they went to a neighbouring village to see a fair. They were carefree that day.

A stream flowed in their way. It was not bridged. They had to wade through it. When they crossed it, one of them proposed, “Let us count ourselves.” “Well said,” cried out the rest. Each counted the rest but missed himself. They thought that one of them was drowned. They were greatly worried about the loss.

A wise Bania happened to pass that way. he said to them, “What is the matter? You seem to be so much pulled down.” “When we started from home we were twelve but now we are eleven. One of us is drowned,” said one of them. The Bania came to know of their mistake. He said, “Cheer up brethren, I can produce your lost man, “he seated them in a row, gave each a blow with his shoe and counted twelve.

Be Not Afraid of Work

Akram was a young lad. he was brought up in the lap of luxury. He was fond of gay and pleasant things but shirked work. his father put him to school at the age of nine. Mr. Jamal, the headmaster forced him to work. he punished him if he was idle. The boy did not like this. he felt disgusted and ran away from school. He wanted to lead a life of ease.

Soon after this, an elderly person joined him. he, too, was in search of a life of ease. On the way, he saw some farmers at work. Akram wanted to be one of them. But he soon discovered that Mr. Jama was present there also, so he left the place. Next, they saw some carpenters at work. here too he saw the resemblance of Mr. Jamal and slipped away. he next saw soldiers on parade. He liked their uniforms and smart appearances but did not like the supervisor because he bore a close resemblance to Mr. Jamal the schoolmaster. he soon left the place.

Last of all he came across Mr. Do nothing. He was very miserable. Now he realised his mistake and learnt a lesson. he requested his companion to take him back to school From that day onwards he threw himself, heart and soul, into his work. He made wonderful progress in his studies and led a happy life.

A Hidden Treasure

There lived an old farmer in a certain village. He was very hard working. God had blessed him with everything. He lacked nothing, but one thing pained him a lot. He had three sons, Unlike their father, they idled away their time and were fond of merrymaking. The old man tried many a time to impress upon them the value of hard work but their ease-loving youths turned a deaf ear to his advice.

One day the old man fell dangerously ill. He sent for his sounds and told them that he had a big treasure buried in one of his fields. They should dig it out after his death. Saying so the old man expired. When his funeral rites were over, the ones went to the fields and turned up the soil but to their great dismay found no treasure. However, they had a good yield that season. They sold the produce and earned a lot of money. They then realised what their father meant. Thus they acquired the habit of hard work.

Old Man and His Three Sons Moral Story is also available at this link.

A mister and his servant

A Miser and his Servant Once there was a miser. One day a certain friend of his invited him to dinner. The friend’s house was at a distance. The miser, therefore, started early to be just in time for the feast. When he had covered half of the distance he remembered that he had left the lamp burning in his drawing-room. he could not bear this waste of oil. He at once ran homeward. Reaching there he ordered his servant to put out the lamp. The latter replied. “I have already done so.” he further stated that he was sorry that his master’s shoes had been worn down for nothing. The miser at once remarked, “Do you take me for a fool, I carry them under my arms.” At this, both of them laughed heartily.

A Clever Thief

Once there lived a thief in a certain village. He was very poor. One day as he was passing by a garden he saw clusters of yellow ripe mangoes on trees. His mouth watered at their sight. How he longed to eat them!

He at once entered the garden stealthily and climbed up a tree. He has been there for twenty minutes when the gardener turned up. he looked up and cried out, “Who are you? What are you doing there? The thief replied. “I have come here to get grass.” “Does grass grow on mango trees?” Shouted the gardener. “That is why I am climbing down,” replied the former. The gardener was highly pleased with his ready wit and let him go.

Half the Profit

Once a certain fisherman caught a very fine fish. He was happy to think that it would fetch him a good price. He decided to take it to the prince. When he reached the gate of the palace the gate-keeper stopped him. He was very greedy. He would not let him pass unless he promised to pay him half of what he would get for his fish.

The fisherman went in and presented the fish to the prince. He was immensely pleased to see such a pretty fish. He said to the fisherman, “What do you want for it?” “Twenty lashes, on my bare back,” replied the fisherman. All were surprised at his strange answer. They could not understand him. The fisherman insisted on being flogged. At last, the prince ordered one of the servants to comply with his wishes and give him twenty gentle strokes. The servant at once brought a whip, stripped off his clothes and began to strike him.

When he had counted then strokes, the fisherman cried, “Stop, stop! I have a partner in this business.” “What!” cried the prince, “where is your partner? “it is your gate-keeper, Sir. he did not let me pass unless I promised to give him half of what I got for the fish.” The price was very angry at this. The gate-keeper was at once sent for and given a sound beating.

The prince paid the fisherman handsomely. He returned home with a happy heart.

Moral Lesson:

Greed is a curse.

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