Home Important MCQs Solved MCQs on G77 Countries (Group of 77)

Solved MCQs on G77 Countries (Group of 77)


Solved MCQs about G-77 Countries for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC and Other Job tests

This post is about MCQs on G77 Countries for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, OTS, PTS and other job tests. The Group of 77 (G77 or G-77) is a grouping of developing nations. The group was founded on 15 June 1964 by the “Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Countries” issued at the UNCTAD. MCQs are taken from Caravan General Knowlege Book.

MCQs on G77 | Group of 77 Countries MCQs

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1. The Group of 77 was established under the auspices of the UNO in

(a) 1964
(b) 1965
(c) 1967
(d) 1962

(a) 1964

2. Which of the following was the objective behind the formation of the Group of 77?

(a) To develop a system of free trade between developing countries of the world
(b) To defend the economic and trade interest of the developing nations of the world
(c) To develop a body which can negotiate and bargain with developed countries with regard to loans and aids
(d) To stand as a bloc against the exploration of developed countries

(b) To defend the economic and trade interest of the developing nations of the world 

3. Presently the Group‘ of 77 is comprised of how many countries

(a) 135
(b) 134
(c) 136
(d) 141

(b) 134

4. The G-77 summit is a forum for:

(a) North-South Cooperation
(b) East-West Cooperation
(c) West-South Cooperation
(d) East-North Cooperation

(a) North-South Cooperation 

5. The Group of 24 (G-24) is a chapter of the G77 that was established in _____

(a) 1964
(b) 1977
(c) 1971
(d) 1982

(c) 1971

This post is being updated as on 19.04.2018. If there is any updated about any question in the post of you find any mistake, inform us by Contact Us or in the comment section.


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One Comment

  1. izhar shaw

    June 18, 2018 at 11:38 am

    Currently member 134 countries


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