Home General Knowledge MCQs General Knowledge and Solved MCQs about Amnesty International

General Knowledge and Solved MCQs about Amnesty International


General Knowledge about Amnesty International.

In this post, you will get little bit General Knowledge and Solved MCQs about Amnesty International. This organization came into existence in July 1961 and Peter Benson is the Founder of this organization. The motto of Amnesty International is “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”. This organization has more than 7 million members and supporters. After checking these Multiple choice questions, you can Check GK Capsule too.

List of General Secretaries of Amnesty International

Name of  Secretary-GeneralFrom ToOrigin
 Peter Benenson1961– 66Britain
 Eric Baker1966–68Britain
 Martin Ennals1968–80Britain
 Thomas Hammarberg1980–86Sweden
 Ian Martin1986–92Britain
 Pierre Sané1992–2001Senegal
 Irene Khan2001–10Bangladesh
 Salil Shetty2010 – 2018India
 Kumi NaidooAug 2018 – in chargeSouth Africa

Solved MCQs about Amnesty International

1. Recently in which country Amnesty International has closed its offices?

(a) Afghanistan
(b) Pakistan
(c) India
(d) London

(c) India

2. When did Amnesty International win Nobel Prize for Peace?

(a) 1972
(b) 1975
(c) 1977
(d) 1976

(c) 1977

3. Where is the headquarters of the Amnesty International?

(a) New York
(b) London
(c) Paris
(d) Geneva

(b) London

4. Amnesty International is an organization associated with which of the following fields?

(a) Protection of historical monuments
(b) Environmental protection
(c) Protection of Cruelty to animals
(d) Protection of human rights

(d) Protection of human rights

5. Amnesty International was established in 1960, with its headquarters at London by a British lawyer

(a) J H Durant
(b) Michal Johnson
(c) Peter Benenson
(d) King Robinson

(c) Peter Benenson

6. When did Amnesty International receive the Four Freedom award for the Freedom of Speech?

(a) 1984
(b) 1985
(c) 1986
(d) 1989

(a) 1984

Source of this post is Wikipedia and a book of Caravan Publishers and is being updated as on 27.03.218. If you find any update or mistake in the post, inform us in the comment box or Contact Us.

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