Home English Essays Our Education System in Pakistan Essay with Quotations

Our Education System in Pakistan Essay with Quotations


Here is an example of an Essay on Our Education System with Quotations in English for the Students of FSC, 2nd year. Students of FA, FSC, ICS and ICOM prepare this essay as a practice for their examinations. I have taken this essay from Sunshine English (Comprehensive II) and added appropriate quotations. You can write the same content under the title, Essay on Education System of Pakistan, Our Education System in Pakistan Essay, Our Education System Essay with Quotes. At this link some more essay for class 12 are available.

Essay on Education System of Pakistan with Quotes for FSC, FA, ICS and ICOM, 2nd Year Students

Education is a responsibility on every Muslim, male or female.
(Hazrat Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)

Education is responsible for the entire progress of man. It has made man cultured and civilized. Without education, man would have been worse than the wild beasts. All the equipment of ease and entertainment is due to education. Education is of many kinds. Professional education, technical education, scientific education and artistic education are some of them. No man can be perfect in all the branches of knowledge. Therefore, every man chooses his own field of studies according to his taste.

Education is the matter of life and death for Muslims. (Muhammad Ali Jinnah)

Our current education system cannot cope with the demands of science and technology. It was established many years ago. At that time, it might have been consistent with the needs of the age; but now it appears to be fully outdated. It should be revised and improved according to the new challenges of the world.

In our country, the principal purpose of education is to procure a job. This is not possible without professional, technical and scientific knowledge. On the other hand, the course of studies does not provide practical knowledge of science and technology. Moreover, the economy of our country is not so stable as to offer employment to every educated young man. Besides, the graduates of our country are not skilled professionals or technically trained. They are good for nothing. They hate menial work. Thus they remain unemployed. The unemployed youth can easily fall victim to social evils. Thus, instead of becoming useful citizens, they turn out to be criminals. It is an admitted fact that “an evil generates other evils”. Thus the whole society yields to corruption, theft, murder, kidnapping and terrorism. To prevent such a horrible situation, we must take solid steps to modify our education system. The following steps may be helpful in this regard.

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”. (Aristotle)

First, technical and professional training should be initiated without any more delay. The level of education should be raised. It is true that the knowledge of literature and fine arts brings us joy but it cannot procure an honourable job for us. Thus, with the study of arts, we should get professional training as well.

Second, the system of examination should be improved and bettered. The universities should not be generous in issuing degrees. The examination should be the real test of awareness and knowledge. The government should take solid steps for the eradication of cheating in examination. The lowest qualification limit should be 50% marks instead of 33%.

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”. (George Washington)

Third, teachers should be trained properly. They should be expert and skilful in their respective fields. The salaries of the teachers should be handsome so that they may pay full attention to their duty without facing any financial problems. The government must realize that without improving the standard of education, no progress can be made in any field.

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One Comment

  1. Umer

    March 16, 2024 at 12:19 am

    Good essay


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