Home English Essays My First Day at College Essay for Student

My First Day at College Essay for Student


In this post, you will see 02 Examples of My First Day at College Essay with Quotations for FSC 2nd Year Students. The 1st Example of Essay on My First Day at College contains 500 words which is for outstanding students of Class 12. The Other sample of My first day at college essay contains more than 200 words and is for weak students who are looking for easy content. You can use the Quotes from the 1st essay sample into the 2nd one. No doubt, this is an important essay from the point of views of Annual Examinations in India and Pakistan. However, there are some other essays also available here for students of Matric, Intermediate and Graduation. This is an average essay, if you are looking for an outstanding essay on My First Day at College with Quotations, Click Here.

Essay on My First Day at College in English 500+ Words

“Fathers sent their sounds to college either because they went to college or they didn’t.” (Hendren)

The change-over from high school to college is not as simple as it appears to be an outsider. It is really a great change in the life of a young man. College life offers a completely new world of freedom and enlightenment to a student. It gives him an opportunity to train for a career. It gives him a chance to socialize with his fellow students and become a responsible citizen.

Some days and events leave lasting memories behind them. My first day at college is one of the beautiful days of my life. It is an important day in every student’s life. I still remember that day as if it were only yesterday.

This saying proved quite relevant on my first day at college. I got on the bus at 7:00 a.m. to reach college. After five minutes, I was told by a boy to get down. He told me that I had reached my destination. I wanted to enter the building but the watchman stopped me. I told him that I had sought admission but I felt greatly embarrassed when I came to know that It was a girl college and mine was next to it.­

Finally, I entered college. It was written on my face that it was my first day. A serious looking boy approached me and directed me to the classroom. To my surprise, I discovered that it was a big common washroom. Another gentleman sympathized with me and guided me to the main hall ‘the principal’ was addressing the students.

“You send your child to the college, but its college boys who educate him.” (Emerson)

I asked if I could enter the class and he very angrily snubbed me and ordered me to say loudly “I am sorry, sir!” a hundred times by putting my hands on the ears. In the meanwhile, an elderly person entered and all the boys along with the “principal” sat down. Then I realized that I had been fooled. Now the real principal addressed us. He welcomed us and explained to us the importance of college life. He told us how to check our roll numbers, timetable and classrooms. When I left college and got on the bus again, people in the bus were looking at me and passing similes in a very meaningful way. To my surprise, I discovered that my white dress had become a masterpiece of abstract art.

Thus, my first day at college came to an end and left behind unforgettable memories.

“All the really value able things you own are things you cannot photograph.”

After the first day, there was no more befooling or bullying. I found the professors very nice, gentle and co-operative. They created in me a thirst for knowledge. They infused confidence in time. The time I spent in college was a very valuable asset of my life. I shall never forget my first day at college.

“It is not the years in your life that count. It is the life that you years.”

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2. Easy and Short Essay My First day at College 200+ Words

It was a sunny day of spring. I with my friends went to the college. We were excited and happy. On the way, we were told that some senior students were waiting for us at the college gate. They wanted to make us first-year fools. We began to tremble with fear. We tuned pale. We could not utter a word.

By chance, the president of the college union came there. We told him our problem. He smiled and went with us to the gate of the college. He asked the other students not to tease us. We became so happy.

We came to the playground. The senior students also reached there. They began to make us first-year fool. Suddenly, a boy ran in one direction. Some boys ran after him. We took advantage of the situation and ran in the other direction. Some other boys ran after us. To our bad luck, our path ended at the edge of a field. It was irrigated. We were so horrified that we jumped into it. The senior students stopped at the edge and began to laugh. We were however relaxed to be away from the grave risk. How we reached our houses is another story to be told. It is how I spent my first day at college.

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