Home English Letter Writing Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Part In Games

Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Part In Games


Write an Informal Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Part In Games and Sports

This post contains an Informal Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Part In Games and Sports. This is an Informal letter which is from elder brother to younger brother who is telling him the importance of games and sports in practical life. For More Letters, you can Go Here.

Informal Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Interest in Sports and Games

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
May 12, 2012.

Dear Umar,

I hope this letter will find you in the best of your health and spirits. Your result of the first-term exams shows that you are working pYourty hard. Keep it up and continue working with the same spirit and devotion. Mother and father are very happy with your progress in studies and they always pray for your health and success.

Dear brother, co-curricular activities are as important as your academic career. I was disappointed to know that you do not take part in any game. Your class fellow met me yesterday who told me that you have become a bookworm. He said you do not take part in physical exercise, and you are not even going for the morning walk. It is very strange to know that you have given up all healthy activities because I remember that you used to be a good player of cricket.

I would advise you to take part in college games. You have a very good playground in your college where matches are played regularly. There is also a gymnasium at your college. You must play some game to keep fit and healthy. You know that health is wealth. If you lose your health, you lose everything. So, keep a balance between your studies and games so that you may achieve your goal successfully.

Take care of yourself.

Yours sincerely,

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