Home English Letter Writing Informal Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on The Marriage of His Sister

Informal Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on The Marriage of His Sister


Informal Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him On His Sister’s Wedding for Matric, F.A and B.A Examinations – Congratulation Letter for Marriage

We are trying post a series of Informal letters to prepare for the Examinations of Matric, F.A and B.A. These letters are unique and good if you get a chance to write one of them in your exams. Here is an informal Letter Sample “Letter to Your friend Congratulating Him on the Marriage of His Sister. For more letter visit this link.

Write a Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on The Marriage of His Sister for Class 9, Class 11 and Graduation

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C,
May 18, 2018.

Dear Friend,

Your letter brought the news that would make anyone jump up with joy and pleasure. I am very pleased to receive the invitation of your sister Alia’s wedding ceremony which will come off on the 20th instant. Sisters are the most lovable creatures and their presence in life is a great blessing of Allah. Their happy and blissful life is the most earnest desire of a brother. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on this delightful occasion.f Wish You many returns of the day!

It is my earnest desire to be present in the ceremony and share your moments of joy. However, I am afraid that I shall not be able to join the delightful ceremony as I would be busy in my exams then. However, I am sending a humble gift in the name of the bride. I really feel sorry for not being able to make it. I hope you will not mind it. Thank God, your parents have fulfilled their moral and religious duties successfully. May Allah bless your sister with. matrimonial bliss in her life, Amen! Convey my congratulations and compliments to all the members of your family.

With best wishes.

Yours wishfully,


Letter to Your Father Requesting him to Send You Some Extra Funds for Payment of Hostel Dues is also very important with the point of view of Exams.

Load More In English Letter Writing


  1. Eman

    March 25, 2022 at 9:11 pm

    Please add quotations in letters


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