Home English Letter Writing Informal Letter to Your Brother Advising Him to Take Step to Improve His Health

Informal Letter to Your Brother Advising Him to Take Step to Improve His Health


Write a Letter to Your Brother Advising Him to Take Step to Improve His Health For Matric Intermediate and B.A Exams – Informal Letter Example

Informal Letters are the part of examinations of 9 class and 11th class. There are many letters available on the internet and also in the course books. But brilliant students are always searching for a unique material and something new. Here is “Letter to Your Brother Advising him to Take Step to Improve His Health” for Outstanding students. You can visit more English Letters Patterns also.

A Letter to Your Brother Advising Him to Take Step to Improve His Health for Class 9, Class 11 and Graduation – Informal Letter Pattern

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C,
January 15, 2018

I hope you are fine but I am greatly concerned about your health and well being. Yesterday, I received your progress report from your Headmaster. I was sorry to learn that you are sick and weak.

Your class teacher met me last night and he informed me that you were over absorbed and immersed in your studies. I already know that you pour over your books day and night and have become a bookworm. You burn midnight oil regularly and this has caused you to grow very weak. I appreciate your love for knowledge but it must not be allowed to damage your health. I should like to point out to you that health is wealth and a balanced approach is the essence of life. You know that a sound mind is always in a sound body. You must improve your health. Here are a few suggestions for you to follow. First, take care of your health and then worry about your studies. Keep a balance between your studies and other healthy activities. Try to go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Develop a habit of taking a morning walk and some light exercise regularly. Exercise is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and the mind. Next to exercise is the question of diet. Take milk, fruit and vegetables. Eat meat twice a week.

I hope you will accept my advice and inform me every now and then about the progress you have made in your health.

Yours sincerely,


If you have prepared this informal letter to your brother about his Health then you may also like Letter to Your Sister Congratulating Her on Success in the Examination.

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