Home English Subject Notes Top 10 Essay Writing Tips to Write an Effective Essay

Top 10 Essay Writing Tips to Write an Effective Essay


Tips for Students to Learn, How to Write a Good Essay and to Improve Their Essay Writing Skills

Writing an essay is a very important part of students in different classes. Students of different grades write the essay in different types and styles. There are a lot of essays with outline and quotations are available at this link on our website. However, essay writing skill is very important to learn how to write an effective and good essay. In this post, I will try to explain different tips to write an essay effectively and I am sure this article will help you to improve your skill of writing an essay. These tips have been taken from notes of Kips Academy.

Essay writing is one of the most important writing skills. In the college context, it gives an opportunity for students to explore and clarify their thoughts about the topic or subject. The Essay Writing Tips will help you through the essay writing process for an effective essay. Here is a list of English Essay Topics.

English Essay Writing Tips for Students to Write an Effective and Good Essay

  • Choose the topic carefully
  • Sort out the facts related to the topic
  • Draw an outline of your topic
  • Give your essay an appropriate beginning
  • Follow the basic rules of paragraph writing
  • Write a logical conclusion of the essay
  • Use simple English
  • Revise, edit and proofread
  • Polish your essay to make it better
  • Personal pronoun and narration

1. Choose the Topic Carefully

Careful selection out of the given topics is the first step towards success in writing an essay. The topic of an essay may belong to a field, which may be vast, but for essay writing, you should keep yourself limited to the particular aspect of the topic and do not deal with the subject exhaustively.

2. Sort out the facts related to the topic

Sort out the details of the topic in your mind and transfer them to paper in the form of notes. This mental exercise will also help you in finalizing a topic for an essay and finding out the information related to your topic.

3. Draw an outline of your topic

After jotting down your ideas on paper organize your notes and arrange ideas in a logical order. Remove those pints which are not related to your line of presentation.

4. Give your essay an appropriate beginning

The beginning of your essay should be such that it should give the examiner the impression that you have a firm grasp of the subject. The beginning should be good enough to launch the examiner into the next part of the body of the essay.

5. Follow the basic rules of paragraph writing

Each paragraph in the body of your essay should contain relevant information and details of one point.

6. Write a logical conclusion of the essay

The conclusion provides a final view and perspective on your topic. It should emerge from the arguments or discussion preceding it, with a simple review of main points and a brief description of your feelings about the topic.

7. Use simple English

Use simple and plain English for writing an Essay. Avoid the use of slang, abbreviations and jargons or any fashionable words while writing an essay. Plain English Writing can help you in removing redundant words from your essay make it more concise and readable.

8. Revise, edit and proofread

Always proofread and revise your essay before handing it over as a finished product. Editing of an essay is required to improve clarity and readability.

9. Polish the essay to make it better

Some people think the when the essay is written once, all is over but you must remember this too. Line a finished product, the essay should also be polished and perfected to the best of writer’s ability.

10. Personal pronoun and narration

The final tip at the end of this article. While writing an essay, try to avoid direct narration as much as possible. Use the first person pronoun and flexible language.

You can give your feedback on this article. The points are very clear and easy to understand. To write an effective essay, you can include these 10 points as a checklist. I have taken this material from the notes of a well-known academy as I have mentioned above. There are many other tips too, to improve the skill of essay writing. Best of luck for your next Essay!

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