Home English Essays Best Essay on Technical Education with Quotations | Kips Notes

Best Essay on Technical Education with Quotations | Kips Notes


Essay on Technical Education with Quotations for 2nd Year, FA, FSC, BA and BSC

In this post, you will find an essay on technical education with Quotations for 2nd year and students of different classes. Students can write the same content if the question is asked about Technical Education Essay with Quotations, Essay on Technical Education with Quotes, Essay on Importance of Technical Education with Quotations.

Technical Education Essay with quotes for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

“Science is a key which unlocks for mankind a store of nature.”

In the present day of keen competition and hard struggle, general education is found to be sadly insufficient to procure for the man his livelihood. The number of men with general education is legion and all the various departments where these men can be provided are literally packed. The unemployment problem is growing keener and keener every day and unrest and discontent are daily gaining ground.

Technical education means teaching students and others some practical or mechanical art. It includes training in trade, commerce, carpentry, weaving, agriculture, medicines and engineering. It helps to meet the needs of today’s world of machines. Those who get such education become technical experts or technicians.

Technical education plays a very pivotal role in the modern age. It produces engineers, builders, doctors and technicians. It promotes the material and economic advancement. People begin to have faith in the dignity of labour. We can save a lot of foreign exchange if we have our own technical experts.

“Man lover to wonder and that is the seed of science.”

Technical education is lacking in Pakistan. Our schools and colleges produce men who are fit only to be clerks. Our youth hankers after office jobs. They dislike to work in factories and hate to learn practical skills. This is why unemployment is on the rise in the country. Poverty in Pakistan is due to the neglect of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources, but we cannot enjoy the advantages only because we are not equipped with any technical knowledge.

“Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense.”

The abundance of production is required to suffice the needs of growing population. Fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and mechanized farming are quite common and widespread. Sufficiency is the need of the hour, but all these tactics have ruined purity and worth of natural things. Lands are cultivated and they fall to produce the required quantity because of incessant cultivation. The use of these substances for a long time has proved damaging.

Factories which produce hundreds of articles of daily use are letting out poisonous fumes which contaminate earth’s atmosphere and water. This contaminated water is supplied to crops land hence, proves damaging to health. Health is wealth which we are losing.

Excavation for various purposes has taken our minerals from the earth. This earth is losing its strength and it is being polluted by man for construction of houses, markets and offices. We are spoiling nature and pilling pollution in various forms.

“The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives.
This fact is well-documented.”

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2nd Essay on Technical Education and Its Importance & Value in Human Life

Technical education is a branch of the vocational education. It plays an important role in the progress of a man, a society, a nation and a country.

Technical education aims at providing us knowledge and training in various skills, which have a practical utility for us. It helps us in earning our livelihood.

Technical education plays very important role in the life of the modern man. America,  Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China are rich, prosperous and advanced countries only because of their progress in technical education.

Technical education produces engineers, doctors, architects mechanics and experts in various skills. They are very useful in an industrial society. It produces skilled workers who work for the prosperity of a society.

Through technical education, we can increase the material resources of our country. It promotes material prosperity. It develops our economy. It has a great educational value. With its help, people have begun to have faith in the dignity of labour. We can earn a lot of foreign exchange if we have our own technical experts.

Technical education plays an important role in making a country rich, prosperous, resourceful and strong. But too much technical education converts a man into a machine. A man’s specialized knowledge makes him unfit for other jobs. In order to make technical education useful, we should also get spiritual or moral education. No education can be called complete in the absence of spiritual or moral education.

Poverty in Pakistan is due to the lack of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources, but we cannot derive their benefits because we lack in technical education. We should, therefore establish more and more Technical Institutions throughout the country . We should also popularize the idea of the dignity of labour among our educated young men, using the services of Radio, Television, Newspapers and Film Industry.

To conclude , all the progress of a country depends upon its progress in the field of technical education. Technical education plays an important role in the economic and industrial development of a country. To make our country and countrymen rich, prosperous and strong, we must have to establish more and more Technical Institutions in country , for imparting technical education and training and to our educated youth in various skills.

Essay on Ideal Student with Quotations is also available here.

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