Home English Essays Essay on Our School Canteen for Class 10 in English

Essay on Our School Canteen for Class 10 in English


This post contains an Essay on Our School Canteen for Class 10 in English. You can write the same essay under the title Essay on My School Canteen. This essay is for 10th Class students. Students who are looking for an outstanding essay must go through this one. Vocabulary is very good and learning it from the heart will not be too difficult for students. You just need to imagine your school canteen and you can make little changes in the essay. You should visit English Essays for more Essay Examples.

My School Canteen Essay in English for 10th Class Students – Matric English Notes

Our school has a nice canteen. It is situated in one corner of the school building. It is a frequent place in the school premises. It is run by a young man of clean habits. He keeps it as clean as possible. It is patronized by the students. It is a great attraction both for the students and the teachers. It is a place of recreation and joy. Students are happy at this place. it sells everything. We may have sweets, cakes, eggs, kababs, chocolates, milk, curd, fruit, biscuits and grams. The prices are reasonable. Fresh articles are sold here. Everything is kept covered to keep off flies. All thins are kept in glass cases. The utensils are clean, polished and pretty. Cups and saucers are new and beautiful. No edge is broken. Quality of tea leaves is superior. Comfortable chairs and benches are placed for students.

It is often visited by our headmaster and the school doctor. They see that the shopkeeper does not sell stale, dirty and sub-standard things. It is always overcrowded in recess times. It looks like a busy window. All the students flock the shop. Some like tea, some drink lassi. Some eat boiled grams and other drink milk. Rich students eat pastry and eggs while poor students are satisfied with grams. The shopkeeper is very kind-hearted. He is very polite. He is always smiling. He is an honest person. The students love and honour him. His behaviour towards teachers in praiseworthy. there is a separate arrangement for teachers. Some of them like to read newspapers and others enjoy a smoke. We like our school canteen very much. it is always neat and clean. the students can buy whatever they like.

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