Home English Essays Essay on My Neighbour for Class 10 in English

Essay on My Neighbour for Class 10 in English


This post has an example of an Essay on My Neighbour for Class 10 Students in English. This is an outstanding essay and a little bit lengthy. My neighbour Essay is very important for the students of class 10 with the point of view of exams. The essay has been taken from English Grammer Composition and translation by Kashmir Kitab Ghar. We have a waste collection of English Essays for 10th Class and higher classes. You can visit this list of essay to find one for you.

My Neighbour Essay in English for 10th Class – English Notes

I am a happy man to have a good neighbour. I have the best relations with my neighbour. Mr. Sadiq is my neighbour. He is a man with lovable habits. He has many good qualities of head and heart. He is full of sympathy for others. He has always been helpful to them. He is always ready to help people. He is very kind to the poor. He is religious minded. He has a great love for Islam. He says his prayers regularly. He is clean in habits and thoughts. He always helps the poor and needy.

His habits are very simple. He wears clean and neat clothes. He leads a simple life. His wife is a nice lady. She keeps the house clean and tidy. She is very sociable. She is kind to the children. My neighbour is a sincere friend of children. He is ever willing to meet them. He welcomes them with a smiling face. The children of our street find him a sincere and sympathetic friend. They forgot all their worries in his company.

My neighbour is a blessing of God for me. He helps me in every difficulty. He is polite and courteous. He never loses temper or abuses anybody. I have never found him exchanging harsh words with anybody. His children are well behaved and well mannered. They never tease others. They are not quarrelsome. They are respectful to the elders.

He is known for his honesty and sincerity. He is a real gentleman. He possesses many good qualities of head and heart. He is a good-natured and hospitable man. He always welcomes us with a warm smile. He invites his neighbours and entertains them very well. I have never seen a frown on his face in spite of a large number of visitors he receives. He is prepared to suffer inconvenience himself to save his neighbours from it. He is very sympathetic.

He is selfless and simple in his habits. He never thinks evil of anyone. He is bold and courageous. His ideas are plain and free from doubts. He is God-fearing and resolute. He is afraid of none except God. He is a man of deed not of word. He works wisely and tirelessly.

His treatment with his neighbours is praise-worthy. He shares their sorrows and joys. They find in him a sincere friend and real well-wisher. He is a man of great honesty. He never falls out with his neighbours over trifles. We always find him cool and collected even in the most trying circumstances. He is not in the habit of finding fault with others. Rather he exalts their good qualities. He never pulls the legs of people around him.

He is an optimist by nature. Odds never damp his courage. He is never glum or gloomy. He is always full of cheerfulness. He possesses a pleasant sense of humour. He has a smile on his face all the time.

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