Home English Essays Essay on Importance of English in Modern Age

Essay on Importance of English in Modern Age


Essay on Importance of English in Modern Age for FA, FSC, BA and BSC

Here is an essay on Importance of English in Modern Age for the students of different classes. Students can write the same essay under, Write an essay on Importance of English, Essay on English Language, Essay on Importance of Learning English Language, Importance of English Language in Pakistan essay, Essay on Why is English Important.

Importance of English in Modern Age Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

 English is an old language. It came into the subcontinent India with the English rulers. Since then, the people of the subcontinent have been under the influence of English Language. It was Sir Syyed Ahmad Khan who urged the Muslims to study English. His efforts in this context are praiseworthy. Under his advice, the Muslims learnt English and began to compete with the Hindus in every field of life. Had they not learnt English, they would have remained backwards. The importance of English in the modern world can be studied under the following topics:

English is almost an international language. It is spoken and read in almost every country of the world. It has linked various parts of the world and has promoted understanding among people of different countries. Its knowledge is essential for the promotion of international understanding. Pakistan is a country where people love to speak and study in their mother tongue. They like to speak Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi Balochi and Pushto. But still, it’s not possible in Pakistan to convert subject books into the native languages. English is a language which can foster unity among the people of four provinces.

English has become a language of knowledge and learning. All our scientific and technical knowledge is present in this language. It deals with commerce and trade. All our foreign trade is done through this language. The knowledge of medicine, engineering, technology, surgery and military equipment communicated to us in this language.

The best material of education and literature is found in English. No other the language of the world gives us standard terminology and symbols in various branches of science and technology. Knowledge of English is necessary for getting employment at home and abroad. English has played a very important role In our struggle for independence. All the activities in this respect were carried through the medium of English Language.

It is very hard to do away with English. It has its roots very deep in our society now. It has been an official language for more than two centuries in the sub-continent India. It is used in the working of our executive and judiciary. It is taught in our schools and colleges and universities. The doctors, engineers, teachers and other educated people use this language for communication of ideas nationally and internationally. Our educated people have great love for it. The importance of Urdu language cannot be underrated, but it is still in its infancy. It cannot compete with English as regards its vocabulary and scope. We can say that the future of English in Pakistan is quite safe. Yet we cannot do away with it.

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