Home English Essays Essay On Role of Media with Quotations

Essay On Role of Media with Quotations


Essay on the Role of Media for Matric, FA, FSC, 2nd Year, Intermediate, BA and BSC

Here is an essay on Role of Media for the students of 10th Class, 12th Class and graduation. Students can write the same essay under the question, Essay on Role of Media, Role of Media in Our Society, Essay on Role of Media in Pakistan and Role of Media Essay. This essay will discuss the different types of media like Print Media, Electronic Media and the Internet.

Role of Media Essay with Quotes

All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” (Jim Morrison)

Mass media is a unique feature of modern society. It includes all means of communication like television, radio, newspapers and the internet. All these are a source of information, education and entertainment. Today, media is considered as the fourth pillar of the state all over the world, Lord Macaulay had given this status to media.

Media helps us to know about current affairs. Media persons put their lives in danger during their live coverage of terrorist attacks or natural disasters just to update us. This is how many countries are able to contribute to the affected areas. Without medi9a our life is incomplete and is like a lamp without oil.

The debate on the role of media is, in fact, a debate on a changing world. Its role in updating the people about the happenings around the world is great importance. Media is just a reflection of social realities. The importance of media is so great that it is viewed as the fourth pillar of democracy. It has a great role to play in the progress of a nation. It has to be very careful and responsible for its role. It has got to be free, fair and impartial in order to change our society and improve our living conditions.

I fear three newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets. (Napoleon)

Media can be used as a weapon against all the social evils that hamper our national progress. It can prove very helpful in bringing about unity among the masses. Media has the power to criticize and pressurize the wrongdoings and wrong policies of the government. It not only informs, educates and entertains people but also moulds public opinion. It basically works towards the betterment of society as a whole. Without the active and positive role of media, our nation will remain handicapped. It will be like a ship without a captain.

It has awakened man to live in peace with himself and with the forces of nature around him. It has made us enlightened and broadminded, and it will continue to change our outlook towards things. It has made the world a global village and has brought people closer to one another.

The world has already changed significantly, and the change is still going on. People have become more and more aware of their rights and liabilities. Wrongdoing now remains no longer hidden. Though corruption seems to have permeated the very social fabric of our society. The corrupt people are being exposed through Media to people. Thus, true democracy is impossible without the role of media. Media’s fair role will surely change the diseased society into a healthy one.

“The goal here is to build a brand around social relevance in media. (Jeff Skol)

2. Role of Media Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

The mass media mean the sources of information and entertainment which are available to the public or masses of a country. These media play an important role in building public opinion in a democratic country. They are divided into two kinds; print media and electronic media.

Print media include newspapers, books and magazines, electronic media; consist of radio, television and the internet. Media are a great source of information and entertainment for all type of people. Nobody can deny their influence. Everybody looks to them to get information about their country, nation, religion and culture. They exercise a great influence on the workers, teachers, doctors, businessmen and all type of professionals. If media are stopped from yielding information to the public, the entire world would plunge into darkness and ignorance. They build our knowledge and strengthen our opinion about different things.

The mass media control our mind. We believe whatever they propagate. We come to know about the life of our villages, cities and towns through mass media. We come across the rise and fall in business, agriculture and industry through mass media. Let a minor incident happen in any part of the World, we come to know each detail of it through mass media. Mass media make a record of everything which takes place in the world. They do not hide anything from the public eye.

The electronic media have governed and dominated the mind of the public in a very forceful manner. The radio and television bring to everyone, aware of the religious and cultural life of every country in the world. Even a lay-man knows many things about the latest discoveries and inventions taking place in the world. It is because of electronic media that people were able to watch the murder of J.F. Kennedy and attack on Regon. They were also able to watch live coverage of the funeral of Diana, attack on the World Trade Centre and the bomb blast at different places. The mass media tell us about hurricanes, earthquakes and river floods in a graphic manner. They record for the masses the details of bomb blasts, suicide attacks and other acts of violence and aggression.

The mass media are a great source of building public opinion. They build our knowledge and educate our sentiments. We form our own opinion about politics, religion, business under the influence of mass media. Even the man on the street has his opinion about the performance of the rulers. He can easily decide whom he should vote in the coming election. He can form a reliable judgment about the business trends going on in the country.

The mass media educate a domestic woman about cooking, medicine and elementary nursing of children. The children have an informative and entertaining program of their mental standard. They can build their knowledge about different branches of knowledge at a very early stage.

The Internet is the latest addition to the mass media. Through it, we are connected to the computer network of the world. Through it, we are connected with the activities of the world within no time. We are connected with the universities, offices, firms, business concerns and other nerve centres of life within no time. We can pay our bills, fees of admission ant adjust our bank accounts through the internet. The internet provides us jobs alerts and suitable matches for marriage. It connects us with the latest discoveries in the field of medicine, surgery, wireless, industry and latest technology of every field within no time. We can plan our journey and devise a better route for the journey through the weather report forecast by it.

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