Home English Essays A Visit to a Hill Station Best Essay with Quotation for Examination

A Visit to a Hill Station Best Essay with Quotation for Examination


Essay On Hill Stations for Outstanding Students of Matric, F.A, FSC and B.A

Here are 2 Essays on “A Visit to a Hill Station” Complete essays which you can prepare for your examinations. First Essay is for Brilliant Students who are looking for an outstanding Essay on A Visit to a Hill Station and the 2nd one is for Weak students or 10 Class students. These both essays are very good but the first one is outstanding.

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay for 2nd Year, FSC and Graduation (Outstanding Students)

“There is Pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes
I love not man the less. but nature more.”

it is in human nature to look forward to moments of joy and pleasure. So man started to create places of recreation. He settles for nothing but the best. After ages of search, he came to the conclusion that there is no better creator than God. The places left untouched by the evil clutches of humans proved to be the perfect shelter.

Life itself is very tiresome. Everybody needs to be reminded to take a break and look around himself and enjoy the moment. I, like students of today, live a busy life but I believe that one should spare some time for recreation. I would like to narrate the most memorable visit to a hill station.

My friends and I made a programme to go to the pleasing and relaxing atmosphere of a hill station. We picked Murree as our destination. On the appointed day. we packed our bags and went to a bus station. After 4 hour travelling. we finally reached there. We rented a local car and started the climb towards the pine trees. The weather was perfect. Sunlight was streaming through the leaves. The cool fresh air relaxed us and cooled our mind. The top of the mountains was behind a curtain of clouds with a few pine tree tops.

The hotels were quite expensive but we found one with moderate charges and lodged there. We went to the window and were amazed. The window opened to a mountainside and it was covered completely with different coloured flowers. We stood gazing for a while and then planned our day.

First, we climbed all the way to Kashmir point. We had tea there. The beautiful mountains and the clean, fresh air made me feel alive. I never wanted to turn my eyes away from the evergreen trees. Everything seemed too good to be true, too pretty to last. it made time itself stop.

“In the woods, is perpetual youth.”

it was evening time and we got back to the Mall Road. This road was thronged with the pedestrians. People wearing warm clothes seemed to be enjoying the lovely weather. The high mountains behind the hotels were presenting the marvellous view. We had the chance to look and observe various artefacts and handicrafts. We bought some handicrafts and other items especially prepared by the local people and went back to our hotel.

We were all tired and decided to sleep so that we could get up early to see the sunrise. The next morning, a friend awoke me at seven o’clock and asked me to come outside. I stumbled and reached the door. At this time most of the people were still asleep and it was all quiet. The sun was peaking between two mountains. The clouds spread all across the mountain were reflecting the sunlight and giving off different shades. The purple, red, orange, yellow, and blue patches of the sky seemed unreal. I had never seen anything so beautiful. The birds and trees seemed to be celebrating it. The trees bowed down by the wind looked as if they hailed the majestic sun. I sighed and was filled with a desire to drink the sunlight.

“Take a deep breath and look around, you will find perfection and serenity nowhere but in God’s creation.” (LA Stear)

We went back to the hotel for breakfast. We wanted to catch a bus early to get back home. I didn’t want to leave. The View of the trees. the flowers, the chirping birds. the bright green leaves, the crystal clear water streams, the 4 majestic mountains occupied my mind. But we had to leave. we took the bus. The descent was uneven, but not without its joys. Slowly the mountains started to fade from view. Though we left the hill station, a glorious place, the memory of it was fresh in my mind. I never want to forget the beauty of nature.

When I remember those days I start singing these beautiful verses of William Wordsworth.

“Oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze,
That blows from the green fields and from the clouds,
And from the sky: it beats against my cheek,
And seems half-conscious of the joy it gives.”

You may also like A Picnic Party Essay.

2. Short Essay on A visit to a Hill Station for 10th Class, 2nd Year and Graduation

Recreation trips are a part of life. They increase our knowledge and experience. They provide us with fun and joy. They refresh our mind.

It was a pleasant day of summer. We decided to visit Murree Hills. We hired a bus and left for Murree at nightfall. The bus was new. At about 8 am, we reached Murree. We got a few rooms in a hotel. First of all, we had a hot bath, enjoyed lunch and took a rest for sometime. In the evening, we went out. It was really a lovely weather. Suddenly it began drizzling. The cool breeze was fanning our faces. It was nearly getting dark when we returned.

The next day we visited Patriata. We sat in the cable car. It was so wonderful to look down sitting in the cable car. The view below simply seemed to be a fairyland. At last, we reached Patriata Hills. We stayed there till 5 pm. On our way back to Murree, we stayed for some time in Wonderland Park. We reached Murree at night. The next day, we visited the nearby valleys. We stayed in Murree for three days. Then we returned to our city. The trip came to an end. But we will never forget the fun we had during the trip.

If you have prepared the Essay A Visit to a Hill Station you can try A Visit to a Historical Place Essay.

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  1. Rana Jahanzaib

    April 5, 2018 at 2:47 pm

    Thanks a lot it help me much more in exam preperation.


  2. Noor ul ain

    July 7, 2018 at 8:14 am

    it,s very helpful for my brother thanks


  3. umar farooqui

    July 3, 2020 at 4:21 am

    it is very helpful but essay of class ten was very small and was not of required length


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