Home GK Online Tests Top 20 MCQs from Past Papers – Online General Knowledge Test

Top 20 MCQs from Past Papers – Online General Knowledge Test


Online General Knowledge Test of Top 20 MCQs from Past Papers for NTS, FPSC, CSS and PPSC Tests

Here are Top 20 MCQs which are taken from past papers for those who are preparing for job test of NTS, PPSC, CSS, and other testing agencies. If you have solved these MCQs from Previous Papers, there are different posts on this website which have General Knowledge questions as well. You can visit them too. After answering all the questions you can see your result here. All the questions have same numbers.



#1. Which City had the largest population at the time creation of Pakistan?

#2. Nawab Liaquat Ali Khan joined All India Muslim League as a member in which year?

#3. Think and Grow Rich book is written by ________

#4. Cusec is a measure of flow rate and is informal shorthand for “cubic feet per second” which is equal to how many liters?

#5. Dick Cheney was the __________ during Junior Bush Administration?

#6. What was real name of Ibn-e-Safi?

#7. The Only Film on Quid “Jinnah” was produced by?

#8. Who wrote book “Jinnah to Zia”?

#9. A tale of two cities ralted to?

#10. Which Country Head visit to Pakistan First?

#11. Pakistan won T-20 in which Year?

#12. Which give the largest number of proteins?

#13. Ibrahim Lincoln was the President of USA?

#14. OIC 2nd summit was held in Pakistan in __________

#15. Major object of Pak foreign Policy is?

#16. Which is the largest import item of Pakistan?

#17. Largest industry of Pakistan is?

#18. Which is the only Pakistan’s Vice President?

#19. Union Jack is the flag of?

#20. From which country Gawadar was purchased?


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  1. Syed Noor

    March 22, 2023 at 9:31 am

    Where is the right answers


    • admin

      March 22, 2023 at 9:32 am

      Click on the button to reveal


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