Home Biology MCQs Biology Quiz Questions With Answers

Biology Quiz Questions With Answers


Biology Quiz Questions With Answers for NTS, CSS, PPSC, CSS and other Online Tests Preparation

This is the 6th part of Biology MCQs series. This post contains Biology Quiz Questions With Answers for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC and other job tests Online preparation. These Biology Multiple Choice questions are also for those students who are looking for MCAT Entry test Online preparation. MCQs are taken from Caravan General Knowledge Book. For more MCQs of Biology Go Here.

Biology Multiple Choice Questions for MCAT Entry Test preparation Online

101. By taking pulse rate of the human body a doctor determines _________

(a) Condition of the liver
(b) Amount of blood in the body
(c) Checks the lungs
(d) Heartbeat

(d) Heartbeat

102. The science of treatment of muscular and skeletal system is known as ____.

(a) Odontology
(b) Ophthalmology
(c) Paediatrics
(d) Orthopaedics

(d) Orthopaedics

103. The study of the nervous system and its disorder is called _____.

(a) Urology
(b) Haematology
(c) Neurology
(d) Herpetology

(c) Neurology

104. Which area of the brain is responsible for control of the body temperature?

(a) Pituitary
(b) Thalamus
(c) Hypothalamus
(d) Pineal

(c) Hypothalamus

105. Oxygen transportation in a human body takes place through ______.

1. Blood       2. Lungs        3. Tissue

The correct sequence of transportation is ______.

(a) 1, 2, 3
(b) 3, 1, 2
(c) 2, 1, 3
(d) 1, 3, 2

(c) 2, 1, 3

106. Which of the following is sedative?

(a) Mescaline
(d) Sulphadiazine
(c) Equanil
(d) Papaverine

(c) Equanil

107. Wann-blooded animals maintain a high body temperature for faster ________.

(a) Digestion
(b) Breathing
(c) Breeding
(d) Movement

(c) Breeding

108. In which of the following do red blood cells originate?

(a) Bone marrow
(b) Brain
(c) Ligaments
(d) Muscles

(a) Bone marrow

109. The pituitary gland in the human body controls

(a) Level of blood calcium
(b) Level of blood sugar
(c) Salt and water balance in the body
(d) Growth of bones

(d) Growth of bones

110. The yellow colour of the urine is due to the Presence of ______.

(a) Urochrome
(b) Blood
(c) Cholesterol
(d) Bile

(a) Urochrome

111. Disease not related to lung malfunctioning is_______.

(a) Tuberculosis
(b) Anaemia
(c) Pneumonia
(d) Pleurisy

(b) Anaemia

112. Penicillin, an antibiotic, is obtained from a _________.

(a) Flowering plant
(b) Fungus
(c) Virus
(d) Bacterium

(b) Fungus

113. During formation of bread, the product that “raises” the bread is __________.

(a) Yeast
(b) Bacteria
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Water

(a) Yeast

114. Ageing in human beings is caused by the disappearance of which of the following glands?

(a) Thyroid
(b) Thymus
(c) Pituitary
(d) Parathyroid

(b) Thymus

115.  The antigen is a substance which _________.

(a) Lowers body temperature
(b) Destroys harmful bacteria
(c) Triggers the immune system
(d) Is used as an antidote to the poison

(b) Destroys harmful bacteria

116.  The unit of energy produced by food in the human body is called _________.

(a) Watt
(b) DNA
(c) Calorie
(d) Ampere

(c) Calorie

117. If a colour-blind lady marries a normal male and gives birth to a son and a daughter, then ______.

(a) Both son and daughter would be colour-blind
(b) The daughter would be colour-blind but the son would be normal
(c) The son would be colour-blind but the daughter would be heterozygous normal
(d) Neither the son nor the daughter would be colour-blind

(c) The son would be colour-blind but the daughter would be heterozygous normal

118. Proteins are made of ____________

(a) Sugar
(b) Fatty acid
(c) Nucleic acid
(d) Amino acid

(d) Amino acid

119. Penicillins are made by fungus called____________.

(a) Penicillium
(b) Manlosporium
(c) Streptomyces
(d) Bt-gene

(a) Penicillium

120. Water helps in the metabolism process in the presence of __________

(a) Aminoacids
(b) Ribonucleic Acid
(c) Proteins
(d) Enzymes

(d) Enzymes
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