In this post, I am sharing 1st Year English Chapter 9 The Foolish Quack Synonyms MCQs Quiz for 11th Class Students. This short story is the 9th lesson in the 1st-year English book. I am presenting these The Foolish Quack Synonyms MCQs as Quiz.
1st Year English Chapter 9 The Foolish Quack Synonyms MCQs from Kips Notes
Here are some Multiple Choice Questions from Kips Notes to prepare this lesson. All objective type questions have 4 options. Find out the correct one.
One evening some travellers stayed to rest under a clump of trees?
(A) cluster
(B) shade
(C) wisp
(D) herd
The camel-man tied a blanket around its throat, and then struck the place with the greatest violence.
(A) touched
(B) clung
(C) stroked
(D) hit
The old woman’s throat was swollen to a frightful size.
(A) trifling
(B) diminutive
(C) mysterious
(D) horrible
The old woman exclaimed: “O my son, if you could only cure my goiter, I would bless you for evermore!”
(A) asserted
(B) screamed
(C) cried
(D) bragged
Bring me a blanket and a good-sized mallet.
(A) wooden blade
(B) wooden hammer
(C) iron ring
(D) iron nail
So they seized him, being minded to carry him before the king.
(A) brought
(B) persuaded
(C) threatened
(D) grabbed
Thus exhorted, the unfortunate man, laboured away with all his might.
(A) punished
(B) urged
(D) stricken
Uninfluenced by the severity of his punishment, he went on to the next village, and again gave himself out as a great doctor.
(A) tragedy
(B) modesty
(C) intensity
(D) tendency
The quack mounted his camel and went on to the next village.
(A) struck
(B) rode
(C) fed
(D) whipped
“A pretty sort of doctor you must be!” cried they.
(A) villainous
(B) beautiful
(C) trifling
(D) strange
“What an extraordinary thing this is!”
(A) magnificent
(B) unusual
(C) melancholic
(D) oppressive
These animals are camels of prodigious size and strength.
(A) small
(B) enormous
(C) maximum
(D) minimum
The stolid creature, scarcely feeling the blow, merely moved a step or two forward.
(A) appalled
(B) curious
(C) dismayed
(D) impassive
He pretended that he was a doctor.
(A) shammed
(B) shambled
(C) remained
(D) smashed
“O my son, if you would only cure my goiter, I would bless you evermore!”
(A) always
(B) nevertheless
(C) in spite of everything
(D) right now
How was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet?
(A) strong
(B) chubby
(C) fragile
(D) plump
He then gave the man himself a similar blow, which felled him to the earth like a log.
(A) brought
(B) flowed
(C) sank
(D) pulled
Do you not perceive? Answered the camel-man.
(A) judge
(B) understand
(C) unbiased
(D) unfamiliar
“Ah!” said the wretched man.
(A) unlucky
(B) understand
(C) unbiased
(D) unfamiliar
When consciousness returned, this bewildered victim inquired, “Why, sir, this cruel usage?”
(A) dazed
(B) aloof
(C) aware
(D) alarmed
The village people called the quack villain.
(A) knave
(B) scholar
(C) surgeon
(D) patron
Relevant Notes
- The Foolish Quack Short Questions
- The Foolish Quack MCQs
- The Foolish Quack Urdu Translation