Home English Report Writing Report Writing Example on College Canteen from a Student to Principle

Report Writing Example on College Canteen from a Student to Principle


English Report on College Canteen to the Principle From a Student for BSC Students

This post contains a reporting writing example on college canteen for BSC students. This is an example of Report on College Canteen from a student to Principle telling him the bad condition of college canteen and the attitude of the staff. You can see the pattern and can use your own words.

Write a report to the principal of the college from President of the student union about the bad working of the college canteen.

Date: May 11, 2010.


The Principal,
Government College,
X.Y.Z. City,

From: The president Student Union Govt. College, X.Y.Z. City.

Subject: Report on the College Canteen



As a president of the student union Govt. College X.Y.Z. City, I have received many complaints from the students about the bad working of the college canteen. I visited the canteen and prepared a report for its reformation.

The situation of the Canteen:

The college canteen is situated at a wrong place. It is housed in a very small room. The canteen is situated at the roadside. The outsiders can easily enter the hall of the canteen and disturb the college students. The canteen has a very dirty kitchen. It is narrow and ill-ventilated. It is not equipped with Suigas, though the gas passes quite in front of it.

Bad Crockery and Furniture:

The canteen does not contain comfortable and modern furniture. Tables and chairs are very old. Some of them need repair immediately. They are not dusted properly. The crockery used in the canteen is very old-fashioned. Such an old-fashioned crockery is not even used in villages now-a-days. Moreover, it is not properly washed.

Conduct of the manager of the canteen:

The proprietor of the canteen is a man with harsh tongue and irritatable temper. He does not listen to the complaints which the students lodge to him against the bad quality of foodstuff. He is always harsh on them. He charges high but supplies bad stuff. I happened to drink a glass of milk there and found that it was very thin and it gave a strange smell. The service of the canteen staff is very poor. The students have to wait for a long time for the fulfilment of their orders.


The working of the college canteen is far from satisfactory.


  • It is suggested that the control of the college canteen should be given to a body of hardworking teachers.
  • That body should visit the canteen off and on and check the quality of the food-stuff. It should also keep an eye on the conduct of the canteen staff.
  • The proprietor of the canteen should be advised to behave properly and politely with the students.

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