Home English Report Writing Report Writing on River in Flood by a Student Reporter to Editor for BSC

Report Writing on River in Flood by a Student Reporter to Editor for BSC


Report on a river in Flood for BSC Students | Report Writing Example

Here is an example of Report writing on Flood. In this report on River in Flood for BSC students will learn how to write a report on Flood. This report example is written by a Press Reporter and submitted to the Editor of the newspaper. Report on House on Fire is also available.

Write a report from a student reporter to the press on a river in flood.

Date: July 21, 2015


The Editor,
The Pakistan Times,
A.B.C City.

From: X.Y.Z a student reporter from Govt. College A.B.C city.

Subject: Report on River in Flood.



Being a student reporter for the college Gazette and magazine, I feel it my duty to sent you a report about the river Ravi in flood for its publication in your newspaper. I intend to enlighten the public opinion on the losses of life and property which the flood has caused to the village.

I came to know through the newspapers that the river Ravi has risen unusually high this year due to heavy rains. It was reported to have caused great damages to the village lying on the banks of the river.

Loss of life and property:

I visited village No.441, 442, 486 and many others situated on the bank of the river Ravi. The loss of life and property was immense. Many villages were entirely wiped out of existence. Some of the “Kacha”  houses collapsed and the inmates were buried under the debris. Leaving their cattle and household effects the villagers ran away to save their lives. Many people were drowned in the water, only a few escaped.

Insanitary condition:

Many trees were uprooted and were carried away by water. Epidemics broke out in the affected villages. The people of villages suffered from dysentery, cholera, vomiting and fever. A large number of snakes were seen floating on the surface of the water. Many people lost their lives due to snake bite. A large number of people did not get any medical relief.

No relief camps:

The flood affectees did not get any medical relief. The Government and the social welfare bodies did not set up any relief camp for the affectees. However, they were helped by the people of the neighbourhood. They were given food, clothes and medicines by those people.


The loss of life and property could have been minimized if the social welfare bodies and the local administration had bothered about the affectees.


  1. It is suggested that the beds of the river must be deepened and widened.
  2. Dams should be built on the side of the rivers.
  3. The social welfare bodies and administration should be activated during the flood days.



Student Reporter X.Y.Z

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