Home English Report Writing Report Writing on House on Fire to the Mayor Municipal Corporation

Report Writing on House on Fire to the Mayor Municipal Corporation


Write a report on house on fire from an inspector of the Municipal Corporation to the Mayor Municipal Corporation of Your City. ( P.U 1995)

Here is an example of report writing about the house on fire by an Inspector Municipal Corporation. This report is prepared to submit to Mayor Municipal Corporation of your city. This report on House on fire is important for BSC students and previously it was in Punjab University Exams 1995.

Report Writing Example on House on Fire  for BSC

Date: July 15, 2017


The Mayor, Municipal Corporation,
A.B.C. City.

From: Inspector, Municipal Corporation, A.B.C City.

Subject: Report on A House on Fire



On the receipt of your telephonic orders at midnight, I rushed to the house No.435, situated in Kachhi Abadi. The house was in the grip of flames. After reaching the house, I contacted the fire brigade and informed them about the fire, I founded the following:

  1. I saw flames rising up to the sky in the street. Many people from all directions were running to that place.
  2. There was a large crowd of people around the house. Some were running for water, while others were throwing water on the fire but to no effect.
  3. The owner of the house was trembling. His wife was crying bitterly. The upper story of the house was engulfed in flames. No one had the courage to go up.
  4. Soon, the fire brigade reached. All felt a ray of hope. It began to work at once. The persons in charge of the fire brigade began to throw up water on the house by means of a big rubber pipe.
  5. A troop of scouts also reached the spot. One of the scouts climbed up to the second storey and entered the room through a window which had not yet caught fire. A few minutes later, he appeared in the street with the child wrapped in a wet blanket. The mother was overjoyed at the safety of her son. Everybody praised the courage of the scout, Mr. Bashir a resident of Civil Lines.
  6. The fire brigade put up strenuous efforts to control the fire. No loss of life was reported. However, one room of the house was fully damaged.


It was found that the house being old had a short electric. It sparked and set the house on fire.


  • It is suggested that a survey of all the houses of “ Kacchi Abadi” should be conducted.
  • The old houses should be demolished. The wiring of all the houses should be checked and repaired.
  • The brave scout should be encouraged and rewarded with a prize.



X.Y.Z (Inspector)

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