Home 9th Pairing Scheme 9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2022 For Punjab Boards

9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2022 For Punjab Boards


In this post, I am sharing the 9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2022 for all Punjab Boards. Class 9 is considered junior class but believe me, this is the turning point for any student. Whenever and wherever you go, Matric numbers will be considered on high priority. So, take it seriously and try to get high marks in the 9th annual exams. I am trying to help out students by providing quality study material on ilmihub.com.

A pairing scheme is basically a formula that Punjab Board authorities consider while preparing a question paper of any subject. By following the Pairing Scheme of any subject, students prepare targeted and focused topics. This makes exam preparation easy for students and they can save a lot of time. In this specific post, students will get the Class 9 English Pairing Scheme 2022.

Class 9 English Paper Scheme 2022 for All Punjab Boards PDF Download

9th English Pairing Scheme 2022

As per the 9th class English paper scheme 2022, the annual paper will contain topics like vocabulary, grammar composition, etc. besides the textbook. Now, grammar composition is a wide topic that is based on letter writing, moral stories, translation, dialogues, tenses, and passage comprehension. There will be choices between a few things. Students should decide before starting their exam preparation which things they need to get ready.

You can divide the 9th English Pairing Scheme 2022 into 09 questions. 01 Questions in the objective part and 8 in the subjective part.

Objective Type Part

The objective part contains only 1 question. 1st question in the objective part contains a total of 19 numbers which you can divide into 4 types of sections.

Question No. 1

(a) Choose the correct form verb and fill up the bubble. (05 marks)
(b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble. (04 marks)
(c) Choose the correct meanings of underlined words and fill up Bubble. (05 marks)
(d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubble. (05 marks)

Subjective Type Part

In this part, students will find 8 questions. There will be choices in a few questions. The detail of the questions with marks is as under:-

Question No.2Short Questions: Answer any five of the following questions. (marks 2 x 5 = 10)

Note: In this question, 66% of questions will be from Textbook Exercise 34 % from Lesson text.

Question 3 – Urdu Translation: Translate any two of the following paragraph into Urdu /Re-write into simple English ( From Textbook) (marks 4 +4 = 8)

Questions 4: Write down the summary of the poem. (From text Book) OR Explain the stanza with reference to the context. (Marks 05)

Question 5: Use any five words/Phrases/Idioms in your own sentences. (Marks 05)

Questions 6: Write a letter or story or dialogue. (Marks 08)

Question 7: (ComprehensionRead the passage and answer the questions at the end. (Marks 2×5=10)

Question 8: (Tenses) Translate any five sentences into English. (Marks 05)

Question 9: Change the voice (English Grammar). (Marks 05)

I am pretty sure that this 9th Class English Pairing Scheme will help the students in their exams and save their time during preparation. If you need any notes or other study materials tell us in our comment section.

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