Home Application Writing Application for Remission of Fine | 02 Examples

Application for Remission of Fine | 02 Examples


Write an Application for Remission of Fine to Principal

Here in this post, you can see 02 examples of an application for remission of fine. In these application samples, you can see the remission of fine application format and can learn how to write an application to principal for the remission of fine. For more application examples you can visit this.

Application for Remission of Fine for 1st Year | Example 01

The Principal,
Govt. College,

Subject: An application for remission of fine.

Venerable Sir,

With due deference and extreme reverence, it is stated that I have been fined five hundred rupees for a week’s absence from the college. I got ill and the doctor advised me to take complete bed rest with strict precautionary measures. I was a victim if skin disease. I had to apply ointment after every four hours.

My father was not at home. He was out of the city on an official tour. There was no one at home except my mother who is a domestic woman. I could not send my application. Now, my father has returned. He countersigned this application. A medical certificate is appended to it as well. Kindly remit my fine keeping in my view my illness.

Thank you in anticipation.

Yours obediently,


Remission of Fine application Format for Class 8 | Example 2

The Principal / Headmaster / Headmistress,
Govt. Hight School


Most respectfully I beg to state that I could not attend school during last week due to illness. I found nobody to bring my application to the school. I have been fined Rs.100/- for absence. Kindly remit my find. I shall be very thankful to you for this favour.

Yours obediently,

Class 8 (A)
Date: 03 April 2014

The 2nd application example is taken from Hamdard Imtehani. However, you can like Application for Sick Leave Examples too.

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