Home 1st Year English Notes 1st Year English The Rain Poem Question Answers for 11th Class

1st Year English The Rain Poem Question Answers for 11th Class


In this post, I am sharing 1st Year English Book 3 The Rain Poem Question Answers for the students of FSC Part 1. This is the 1st Poem in 11th Class English Book 3. On ilmihub, I am trying to upload quality English Notes for Class 11. I have taken this poem notes from Kips Notes. Besides, I will add some extra questions too. So, if you are looking for The Rain Poem Short Question Answers you are at the right post. First-Year English All Poems Notes are being updated from time to time.

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11th Class English Book 3 Poem 1 The Rain Short Questions and Answers – Kips Notes

Hereunder you will get the rain poem questions and answers. Students can prepare these short questions with answers for their exams.

Q.1 Who wrote the poem, ‘The Rain’?

Ans. W.H Davies write the poem, “The Rain”.

Q.2 What do the rich leaves” symbolize??

Ans. The leaves on top of the tree are rich leaves as they drink rain directly, and share rain with the poor leaves beneath. They also stand for rich people who have direct access to the pleasures and luxuries of life.

Q.3 What is meant by “poor leaves” in the poem, “The Rain”?

Ans. The leaves that do not receive rain directly are the poor leaves. They depend on leaves on top. Poor leaves also stand for poor people who do not have any access to the pleasures and luxuries of life.

Q.4 How does the poet feel when he hears the rain falling on the leaves?

Ans. The poet enjoys the beautiful rhythm created by the rain-drops falling on the leaves of the tree. He calls the sound of the rain sweet noise as it pleases his aesthetic sense.

Q.5 What according to the poet, will be the effect of sunshine after the rain?

Ans. The poet says that a wonderful light will fill each dark raindrop when the rain stops and the sun comes out to brighten the whole atmosphere. He says that everything will wear a fresh and beautiful look after the rain.

Q.6 What does the poet hope?

Ans. The poet hopes that, when the rain stops, the sun will shine brightly and a wonderful light will fill each dark raindrop. He hopes that the whole panorama will wear a lovely look after the rain.

Q.7 Give a brief summary of the poem, “The Rain”.

Ans. The poet describes a scene of the rain. The raindrops fall on the leaves of the tree and create sweet music. The poet hopes when the rain stops, the sun will shine brightly and a wonderful light will brighten each dark raindrop.

Q.8 What is the theme of the poem, “The Rain”?

Ans. The audio-visual effect produced by the rain is very pleasing to the human senses. The poet believes that the pinching bitter reality of poverty around us is counterbalanced by the regeneration and enrichment which the sunlight brings.

Q.9 How can a rainy day be enjoyed?

Ans. Different people can enjoy a rainy day in different fashions according to their tastes and moods. However, it is pure pleasure to watch nature bathing in rain.

Q.10 Explain the first stanza with reference to the context.

Ans. Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem, “The Rain” by W.H. Davies

Context: The audio-visual effect produced by the rain is very pleasing to the human senses. The poet believes that the pinching bitter reality of poverty around us is counterbalanced by the regeneration and enrichment which the sunlight brings.

Q.11 What is the Main Idea of the Poem The Rain?

The Poem “The Rain” is about 2 classes in society, rich and poor. The poet symbolized rich leaves to rich people who take away all the money and the luxuries of life and give to the poor which is left behind. The poet in this poem has pointed out the difference between the rich and the poor.

Q.12 What do the rich and the poor leaves symbolize?

Rich leaves stand for the rich people and poor leaves stand for the poor people.

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