Home English Report Writing Report on Corruption in the Examination As a Member of Inspection Team

Report on Corruption in the Examination As a Member of Inspection Team


Report on Corruption in the Examination As a Member of Inspection Team | Report Writing Example

Here is an example of Report on Corruption in the Examination as a Member of Inspection Team. In this report, you will address to the Vice-Chancellor of the university as a member of inspecting team and tell him about the situation for B.A/BSC exams in university. This is an important report of BSC students.

As a member of the inspecting Team of University Examinations, write a report to the Vice-Chancellor about the unfair means practised in the university B.a Examination

Dated: May 20, 215


The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab University.

From: A.B.C Member inspection team for the B.A / BSc University Examination.

Subject: Checking of University Examination Centres.



As a member of the inspecting team of University Examinations, I have prepared a report about how the examination centres are working in the background of rising corruption and cheating. I visited examination centres but a report about a few of them is likely to reveal the nature of corruption going on in these centres.

Model School boy’s Centre:

The Centre was the biggest one of the city. It was functioning in a big hall and three rooms. The hall had the capacity of five hundred students. The three rooms had two hundred students. As I entered the hall, I found that a large number of boys were copying from the books without any hindrance. There were only a few boys who were writing without consulting any help book. The superintendent along with the supervisory staff was taking tea. Only two or three teachers were on invigilation duty. I interviewed some of the students and came to know that the supervisory staff had accepted the bribe from a large number of students. I caught as many as thirty students copying from the printed matter. I reported the matter to the Controller of Examinations at once and asked him to suspend the superintendent of the Centre. I also visited the three rooms, where the examination was being conducted. It also offered the same sight. Twenty students were caught red-handed for copying.

Girls College Centre:

The Girls College Centre was functioning in a big hall. It contained three hundred girls. It was a peaceful centre. When I entered the hall, I found that the girls were doing their paper without the help of any help-book. I interviewed many girls and found that the girls had no complaint against the conduct of the lady superintendent. The superintendent of the centre was a strict lady. She was very honest in her dealings. They were fully satisfied with the behaviour.


There is more corruption in the boy’s centres compared to the girl’s centre.


  1. It is suggested that the supervisory staff should be appointed after careful scrutiny.
  2. Boys centre should not be overcrowded.
  3. More inspectors should be appointed.
  4. Corrupt staff must be punished under the law.

A.B.C (Member Inspection Team)

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