Home 1st Year Short Stories 1st Year English Chapter 11 I Have a Dream Question Answers

1st Year English Chapter 11 I Have a Dream Question Answers


11th Class English Lesson 11 I Have A dream Short Questions and Answers

In this post, you will find 1st Year English Chapter 11, I have a Dream Question Answers for Class 11 Students. This short story is chapter 11 in the textbook of Class 11. This short story is in fact a speech by Martin Luthar King in front of a huge gathering. He was a leader of the black community. For the Students of FSC part 1, I have already shared short stories notes. However, the students who want all English Notes of FA, FSC first year can visit this page.

Introduction – I have a Dream Summary for FSC 1st Year

Racial discrimination is an evil. Almost every nook and corner of the world is plagued by it. No religion of the world promotes it. The black people, unfortunately, suffered at the hands of the white people of America. Once they did not enjoy equal rights to the white people. They, ultimately, started a movement to attain their Democratic rights.

This is actually a speech that Martin Luther King, a leader of the black community, delivers in front of a large gathering, giving his vision that a day will come when there will be no social discrimination. Everyone will enjoy his/her country great and the people prosperous. The black and the white will live together like a family. Now his dream has come true as the black community has achieved their desired esteem. A black has become the president of the United States of America (Barak Obama).

I have a Dream Questions and Answers, I have a Dream Questions

1st Year English Chapter 11 Short Questions Answers from Textbook Exercise

Hereunder are 10 question answers of I have a Dream short story from Textbook and 11 questions with answers from Kips English Notes.

Q.1 What was the cause of the Negroes, discontentment?

Ans. The Negroes were hated and despised in America. They did not enjoy independence and they were maltreated. These factors were the cause of their discontentment.

Q.2 What are the qualities of the “veterans of creative suffering”?

Ans. The veterans of creative suffering have the ability to face hardships for the achievement of their goals. They struggle wholeheartedly and patiently.

Q.3 What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr?

Ans. Martin Luther King has a dream that social discrimination will end in America. There will be equality and justice. People will be judged by the content of their character.

Q.4 What should be the faith of the Negroes?

Ans. They should live and work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. They will be rewarded in the end and the glory of God will be revealed one day.

Q.5 What was the necessity of pleading the case of the Negroes’ freedom?

Ans. The Negroes did not enjoy equal rights. They were treated as slaves. It was, therefore, necessary to plead their case so that they might be given their rights.

Q.6 What should be the criterion of judgment for a person?

Ans. The criterion of judgment for a person should not be the colour of his skin but the content of his character.

Q.7 Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all parts of their country?

Ans. No, the Negroes do not enjoy liberty in all parts of their country.

Q.8 From which part of the country did the Negroes gather there?

Ans. The Negroes came from different states of America like Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana.

Q.9 Write down the song in your own words.

Ans. It is my country. It is my dear land of freedom. I sing for it. My forefathers died here. I am proud of it. Everywhere there should be freedom.

Q.10 What is the effect of the repetition of words?

Ans. The repetition of words stresses the expression and the mood. It brings out the theme with greater force.

English Class 11 I have a Dream Questions with Answers – Kips Notes

Q.1 Who was Marting Luther King, Jr?

Ans. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great leader of the Civil Rights Movement in America in the 1950s and 1960s. He worked for the rights of the Negroes. He was assassinated in 1968.

Q.2 How appropriate is the title “I Have a Dream”?

Ans. The title “I have a dream” is quite appropriate and significant for the speech of a civil rights leader. Martin Luther, all through his life, dreamed of justice for the black.

Q.3 What kind of dream did Martin Luther King have for his own children?

Ans. He had a dream that one day his four little children would live in a nation where they would not be judged by the colour of their skin, not by the content of their character.

Q.4 What were the orator’s views about the governor of Alabama?

Ans. According to the orator (Martin Luther), the lips of Alabama’s governor were dripping with the words of interposition and nullification.

Q.5 What measures can you suggest to ensure justice for all sections of society?

Ans. Justice can prevail only if all sections of society are treated equally. Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, and creed should be abolished.

Q.7 How will the situation of the state of Alabama change?

Ans. In the state of Alabama one day all the people will be equal. White and black children will join hands and walk together as brothers and sisters.

Q.8 What were the words of the Old Negro spiritual?

Ans. The words of the Old Negro spiritual were “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.”

Q.9 What does martin Luther say about unearned suffering?

Ans. According to Martin Luther, unearned suffering is redemptive.

Q.10 Who came from narrow jail cells?

Ans. Martin Luther’s supporters in his Civil Rights Movement came from narrow jail cells.

Q.11 What did Luther say about the future of the American nation?

Ans. Luther said that one day the American nation would live out the true meaning of its creed that all men and women are created equal.

Q.12 Who did Luther want to change the jangling discords of the nation?

Ans. He wanted to change the jangling discords of the nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.

Q.13 What was Luther’s hope about black and white children?

Ans. He hoped that one day, black girls and boys would walk together with white girls and boys as sisters and brothers.

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