Home 1st Year Short Stories Thank You Ma’am Questions and Answers for Class 11 – Lesson 4

Thank You Ma’am Questions and Answers for Class 11 – Lesson 4


11th Class English Chapter 4 Thank You, Ma’am Short Story Notes

This post contains Thank You Ma’am Questions Answers and Summary for the Students of FSC, part 1. This is the 4th chapter in the textbook of Class 11. The short story is about the behaviours of people. A boy namely rogers try to snatch the purse of a lady. While doing this he falls on the ground and the big lady Mrs. Luella Bates Washington captures him and bring him to her house. Later on, she treat him very well and give him 10 dollars to buy his desired shoes for which he was going to commit this crime. You can read the full summary of the story below and can prepare Questions and Answers. For more FSC 1st Year notes you can visit this link.

Summary of Thank You Ma’am Short Story for FSC Part 1

Our society is full of good and bad people. Whenever evil starts dominating, reformation becomes inevitable. Reformation stabilizes society and makes its functioning smooth. This reformation is both on a mass and personal level.

Roger is a young boy of fourteen. Driven by his desires, he tries to snatch the purse of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. She is a big and strong woman who catches the boy and takes him to her home. She judges the true character of the boy by providing him with a chance to run, but the boy proves himself trustworthy by staying there. She gives him ten dollars and advises him to shun evil paths and become good. He learns his lesson to remain good because of the informative behaviour of the big lady for that he wants to say, “Thank You, Ma’am”.

Class 11 Lesson 4:  Short Questions and Answers of Thank You, Ma’am, from Textbook – FSC 1st Year English Notes

Q.1 What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman?

Ans. It was about eleven o’clock at night when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman.

Q.2 What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the woman’s purse?

Ans. When the boy tried to snatch the woman’s purse, its strap broke with a sudden single tug the boy gave it from behind. As a result, the boy lost his balance and fell on his back and his legs flew up.

Q.3 What was the reaction of the woman?

Ans. Two or three people passed by that time. They stopped, turned to look, and some stood watching, but nobody interfered.

Q.5 How did the boy look physically?

Ans. The boy looked fourteen or fifteen. He looked very weak and slim in his tennis shoes and blue jeans. It seemed that he had not washed his face for ages.

Q.6 What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him a few jerks?

Ans. When the woman gave him a few jerks, sweat popped out on the boy’s face. He very desperately wanted her to turn him loose but she did not release him.

Q.7 Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?

Ans. It seemed that he had not washed his face for ages. He looked untidy, so the woman asked the boy to wash his face in order to look presentable. She also wanted to teach him right from wrong.

Q.8 Why didn’t the boy run from the house of the woman?

Ans. The door was open and the boy could run away, but he didn’t want the woman to mistrust him. Besides, the woman had shown a very kind and motherly attitude to him, and he hoped she would not send him to jail.

Q.9 Why didn’t the woman watch the boy while preparing a dish?

Ans. The woman didn’t watch the boy while preparing a dish because she did not want to show him that she mistrusted him. Besides, she believed that he would not run away after she had treated him like her son.

Q.10 What was the nature of the woman’s job?

Ans. She worked in a hotel beauty shop that stayed open late for all kinds of women – blondes, redheads, and Spanish.

Thank You Ma’am Questions and Answers from Kips Exercise

Q.1 What was the effect of the behaviour of the woman on the boy?

Ans. The kind and affectionate behaviour of the woman impressed the boy. It converted him into a nice boy and he felt ashamed.

Q.2 Why did the woman treat the boy kindly in her home after punishing him in the street?

Ans. At first, she punished the boy to make him realize that such bad deeds are punishable and those who commit such acts are liable to be punished. Afterwards, she treated him nicely to make him a good boy.

Q.3 Why did Roger try to snatch the woman’s purse?

Ans. Roger tried to snatch the woman’s purse because he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

Q.4 What did Mrs. Jones cook for dinner?

Ans. She heated some lima beans and beans and beef that she had in the icebox. Then she made cocoa and set the table.

Q.5 Why did Mrs. Jones not ask the boy about his whereabouts?

Ans. She did not ask about his whereabouts because she did not want to embarrass him. She did not want to make him feel that he was going through some kind of investigation.

Q.6 What did the woman advise the boy after giving him ten dollars?

Ans. She advised him not to make the mistake of latching onto her pocketbook nor anybody else’s. She told him that shoes got through devilish ways would burn his feet.

Q.7 What was the large woman carrying?

Ans. The large woman was carrying a large purse that had everything in it except a hammer and nails.

Q.8 Who was there with the woman when she reached her home at night?

Ans. There was no one with her when she reached home at night.

Q.9 What was the name of the woman?

Ans. There was no one with her when she reached home at night.

Q.10 Where did she drag the boy when she got to her door?

Ans. When she got to her door, she dragged the boy down a hall and into a large kitchenette-furnished room at the rear of the house.

Q.11 How did the boy know that he and the woman were not alone in the house?

Ans. The boy heard other roomers laughing and talking in the large house. Besides some of their doors were open. So the boy knew that he and the woman were not alone in the house.

Q.12 What did the boy think the woman would do to him?

Ans. The boy thought that the woman would take him to jail.

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