Home English Essays Short Essay on “How to Make Tea” for Class 10 in English

Short Essay on “How to Make Tea” for Class 10 in English


In this post, you will find an example of an Essay on How to Make Tea for Class 10 Students in English. This is a short essay with only 200 hundred words. The wording of the essay is very good. This is not an important essay for 10 Class Students. But you can prepare it only for practice. Essay has been taken from English Grammer Composition and Translation book by Kashmir Kitab Ghar.  If you want more English Essays for Class 10 then you should go through this list of essays.

How to Make Tea Essay for 10th Class in English – English Notes

It is always a pleasure to share a cup of tea with our friends. Tea making is simple and enjoyable. Many people prepare tea easily and entertain their guests. But some people feel somewhat awkward to prepare a cup of tea. It is not a difficult art and you can learn it easily. Tea making is a very easy job. You need some basic things to prepare a tasty cup of tea. It requires tea leaves, water, milk, sugar and tea post.

First of all the fire is lit. The kettle with water in it is put on the fire. When the water begins to boil, tea leaves are thrown in it. Usually, one tea spoonful of tea leaves for each cup is put in the water. You may add a little more tea leaves if you like. After two or three minutes the water becomes coloured. It is then poured into the teapot. Take care to keep the kettle away from you. If you spill any hot water, it will hurt you. Milk is boiled separately. it is mixed with the coloured tea water and is poured into cups. Sugar is added in suitable quantity. Now tea is ready for use.

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