Home Moral Stories Short Story Necessity is The Mother of Invention – Crow and the Snake

Short Story Necessity is The Mother of Invention – Crow and the Snake


Here is Necessity is the Mother of Invention story with Moral” for students and children who like moral stories. This is a Short Story of Crow and the Snake. Parents who like to tell bedtime stories to their kids can tell this story too. Students of Class 11 I mean 1st-year F.A, FSC can read this story and also Class 9 students can learn it for exams. The Crow and the Snake Story can be

The Crow and the Snake Story with Moral

Two crows lived in a tree a little away from a town. They laid eggs several times, Every time, the eggs were eaten up by a snake which lived in a nearby hole.

This was really a matter of great anxiety to the poor crow. After thinking a great deal, they hit upon an idea.

The crows flew to the village. A lady was taking her bath at a well. She had placed her necklace at a distance. Finding an opportunity, one of them picked up the necklace.

On seeing this, the lady raised an alarm. The people of the village rushed out and ran after the crow. The crow flew as fast as possible until he reached the tree. He threw the necklace on the hole where the snake was taking rest.

The people killed the snake and recovered the necklace. Thereafter, the crows lived happily and peacefully.

Moral Lesson:

  • Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • God Helps those who help themselves.

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