Home English Essays Essay on Poverty in Pakistan with Outline | Causes and Solutions

Essay on Poverty in Pakistan with Outline | Causes and Solutions


Poverty in Pakistan Essay with Outline for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Here is an essay on Poverty in Pakistan with the outline for students of different classes. A good student should start writing Poverty in Pakistan essay with an outline and later discuss the reasons behind it and should end up with the solutions to deal with the reasons of this problem.

Outline of Essay on Poverty in Pakistan for F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, B.A & BSC

  • Introduction with the Poverty in Pakistan.
  • Reasons behind this problem.
  • Population explosion
  • illiteracy
  • The economic system is based on feudalism
  • unequal distribution of wealth
  • Politicians of Pakistan
  • Solutions to deal with this problem.

Poverty in Pakistan Essay

Pakistan is a poor and underdeveloped country. Most of its population lives in entirely adverse circumstances. Some reports reveal that more than forty percent population of Pakistan live below the line of poverty. The average income of a poor Pakistani is less than two dollars. A large number of people in our country do not have a proper place to live. This miserable condition has given birth to a large number of beggars and needy people, who live on the charity of the rich people. The economic condition of an average individual is very pathetic. Poverty, hunger and unemployment afflict a large section of the population. The causes of poverty’are quite obvious and known.

Firstly: We are facing a population explosion. There are more mouths to feed than there are hands to earn. One member of the family has to feed and support a large family. His income is limited. He cannot afford to maintain a large family. He works hard and consequently, he falls ill and dies. Then his wife steps in, work in village field or city homes to bring up her children. This cycle of poverty goes on. A poor remains poor the whole of his life. The main cause of poverty in Pakistan lies in the difference between the resources and the population increase.

Secondly: Most of the people in Pakistan are uneducated. They are ill-equipped to lead a good life. They do not know the modern methods of farming. They are ignorant to better ways of earning money in the mills and factories. With poor knowledge of life, they cannot increase production in mills and factories. Modern machinery is mostly computerized. An uneducated person cannot understand and operate the computer. How can he add to his income? The result is that he remains poor till the last moment of his life. It is very sad that rulers do not educate the workers. The workers do not get a chance to earn more money.

Thirdly: Our economic system is based on feudalism. A big landlord keeps the small farmers and workers under his political slavery. The “Haries” in Sindh, for example, have tried to get freedom from the feudal lords but who avail. In Baluchistan, there exists the “Sardari system”. This system does not allow the children of a poor farmer to get the education and find good jobs. Higher education is open only to the children of big landlords and sardars. in Punjab and NWFP the same condition exists.The economic condition of the small farmers and workers cannot become better in the presence of feudal lords i.

Fourthly: Pakistan is a country where there is no social, cultural and economic justice. The rich people in Pakistan are becoming mere rich, while the poor are becoming more poor. The economic disparity between the rich and the poor has eaten the very vitals of society.

Fifthly: Poverty in Pakistan exists due to Scarcity of jobs in the public and government sector. Our rulers are not responsible, dedicated and missionary. They failed to build new dams, a network of industry and roads in the country. The shortage of electricity and gas has resulted in the lock up of mills and factories. New factories were not set up in the past. The result is that our uneducated worker remains unemployed. The educated people have degrees, but they do not have opportunities to get a job. Many countries in the world have solved this problem. Pakistan too can solve the problem by adopting the following measures.

The rulers of Pakistan must discard their lavish way of living. They must be “one” with their people. They must lead a life of a common and hardworking person. This will go a long way to bridge. over the disparity between a rich and poor person. The population explosion must be controlled. People should be educated and guided to produce a small number of children. More industries, mills and factories should be set up to provide jobs to the workers and Small farmers.

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