Home English Essays Essay on Life in a College Hostel

Essay on Life in a College Hostel


Hostel Life Essay for Matric, F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, BA and BSC

Here is an essay on hostel life of a Student for different classes. Students can write the same content under the title, Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life, Essay on Merits and Demerits of Hostel Life, Essay on Hostel Life of a student, Essay on College Hostel Life, Hostel Life Essay. You may also like Essay on Elections in Pakistan.

Essay on Hostel Life for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Every college has a hostel where students from outside of city live. It is like a home from them. Hostel life is the most pleasurable period of a student’s life. It is a world in itself. It has its deep impressions memories rise which remain alive till the last moment of man’s life. Hostel life offers many advantages to the students.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life gives practical training to a student in his mental, moral and spiritual development. Here, a student is not under the close check of his parents. He has to perform his work with perfect independence. His habits become regular and his mind is disciplined. He has to obey the hostel rules at every cost. He is made to study during the study hours. He is not allowed to move outside after certain hours of the night. He learns the value of punctuality. He gets up early in the morning to say his prayers. Regularity in rising and sleeping keeps him healthy and active.

In every hostel, there is a reading room. Many daily newspapers and magazines come, here. The residents of the hostel can enrich their knowledge by means of this informative reading material. The common room has an attraction of its own. The students assemble in the evening and take part in various indoor games. Every common room is also equipped with a TV set. There are annual contests and competitions among the hostel students.

In a hostel, the students learn many things from one another. The students come to live in the hostel from various places in the country. Each student brings his own culture, tradition and language with him. The students exchange their views on different topics and they learn many things from one another. They also share and sympathize with one another in the hardships and difficulties of life. Moreover, hostel life produces in the students a sense of confidence and self-help. The students have to live without the help of their parents. Every hostel student has to set the daily routine of life himself. He has to make his own bed, polish his own shoes, press his clothes and manage his daily affairs of life.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life has its disadvantages also. Sometimes, the students get actually spoiled in a hostel. Some begin to love films and fashions and waste their money on gambling and drinking. They become careless about their studies. They go to cinema houses frequently and waste their time and money.

They sometimes quarrel over little things. Parties and groups are formed among them. They keep weapons in the rooms and use them in their petty quarrels. Moreover, hostel life is also very expensive. Most of the parents cannot afford it. In spite of the disadvantages of hostel life its educative value cannot be denied.

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2. Life in a College Hostel Essay, Its Uses and Abuses

Life at a college hostel is full of charms. It is full of the zeal of life. It is full of activities. It is, however, not only a bed of roses but also a bed of thorns. It is a strange blend of personal liberty and responsibility.

The hostel life is both individual and collective. A boarder is independent and, at the same time, a member of a big unit. The hostel life helps in developing a student’s personality and n building his character and conduct. It teaches him the lesson of “how to live and let live”.  These individual and social qualities become the chief asset of the students in their later practical life.

A boarder has to keep his room in the hostel neat and clean. He has to check his bad habits. In order to lead a decent life in the hostel, he has to avoid extravagance. For achieving grand success in the examination, he has to pay deep attention to his studies.

The college hostel life also teaches boarders a new sense of responsibility. They have to do responsible jobs there. In this way, they develop the qualities of practical work, self-control and self-judgment. This gives them an insight into human character. They have to avoid enmity, hatred, and jealousy. They have to form a friendship. They learn how to face others. They learn discipline. They are thus able to lead their later practical life in a disciplined manner.

The College hostel life has also its dangers for young students who have immature minds. The charm of evil is always there. The boarders often become film-fans. They also run the risk of becoming immoral. A good boarder does, however, keep himself away from such immoral acts.

To conclude, the college hostel life has both merits and demerits and uses and abuses. Only the boarders, who pay proper attention to their studies, can derive the benefits of hostel life. On the whole, hostel life is very pleasant. It makes the boarders punctual and disciplines, –the two main qualities of a good student.

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