Home GK | General Knowledge PIA was Established In which Year?

PIA was Established In which Year?


PIA stands for Pakistan International Airlines, the national flag carrier of Pakistan. In this post, we will find the answer to the questions PIA was established in which year? This is an important question and can take place in any NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC or any other job test. In the following Multiple Choice Question, you will find the right answer.

PIA was Established In ______________?

(a) 1955
(b) 1956
(c) 1957
(d) None of above

(a) 1955

This airline started its services as Orient Airways on 29 October 1946 in Calcutta, India before shifting operations to new independent state of Pakistan in 1947. In 1955 this airline was nationalized and renamed to Pakistan International Airlines. More GK Questions are available here.


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