Home English Letter Writing Letter to Your Friend Telling Him about Your Favourite Sports Game

Letter to Your Friend Telling Him about Your Favourite Sports Game


In this post, you will learn how to Write a Letter to Your Friend Telling Him about Your Favourite Game. You can write the same letter if the question is, Write a Letter to Your friend about your favourite sport or write a letter to your friend describing your favourite game badminton. For more letters to practice for the exams you can visit English Letter Writing.

Write a Letter to Your Friend Telling Him about Your Favourite Game

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
May 09, 2010.

Dear Ali,

I was impatiently waiting for your letter. I am very happy to know that you have been selected captain of your college cricket team. It is really an honour.

Sports and games provide us a chance to keep ourselves fit and healthy. You have asked about my favourite game. My favourite game is Table tennis. Some people brand it as feminist and delicate. It provides a person with an opportunity to display physical fitness, agility, quickness of decision and proper co-ordination between torso and organs of human body. Brisk movement, gentle tapping, restrain and control of muscles and exaction of eyes are some of the pre-requisites for this game. Games embody great lessons for human beings. I have learnt precision, accuracy and exegesis of my imbued passion and desire, Somebody has said that all the games are same as they aim at the same thing. Tell me about your future plan.

Pay my regards to your parents.

Yours truly,

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This letter is written by Rana Attique MA (English) + M.A (TEFL)

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