Home General Knowledge MCQs Solved MCQs on World Famous Battles

Solved MCQs on World Famous Battles


Solved MCQs on World Famous Battles for NTS, PPSC, CSS and FPSC job tests

This is the first part of Quiz on World Famous Wars. Here are some Solved MCQs on World Famous Battles for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, OTS, PTS and other job tests. These Multiple Choice Questions on Famous Battles are posted here only for practice purpose. MCQs are taken from Caravan General Knowledge Book. For more Important MCQs Visit This.

World Famous Battles Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

1. The French Revolution began in the year ___________

(a) 1770
(b) 1788
(c) 1789
(d) 1750

(c) 1789  

2. The French Revolution gave rise to the theory of ____________

(a) Communism
(b) Natiertalism
(c) Democracy
(d) Somalism

(d) Somalism  

3. The slogan of the French Revolution was __________

(a) One nation, one leader, and one flag
(b) Government of the people. by the people, and for the people
(c) Liberty equality and fraternity
(d) Workers of the world unite

(c) Liberty equality and fraternity

4. The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with ________

(3) France
(b) Germany
(c) Russia
(d) England

(c) Russia  

5. Who emerged as a great leader after the Russian Revolution?

(a) Karl Marx
(b) Vladimir Lenin
(c) Robbespierre
(d) None of these

(b) VladimirLenin  

6. The War of Roses (1455-1485) in European history is associated with the

(a) War between England and France
(b) Civil war in England
(c) Anglo-Spanish War
(d) War between Prussia and Austria

(b) Civil war in England  

7. Which was the Napolean’s last battle in which he was captured and exiled to St Helena?

(a) Battle of Trafalgar
(b) Battle of Waterloo
(c) Battle of Austerlitz
(d) Battle of Leipzig

(b) Battle of Waterloo  

8. Battle of Waterloo was fought in _________

(a) 1805
(b) 1809
(c) 1813
(d) 1815

(d) 1815  

9. The war of American independence was fought between __________

(a) North America and South America
(b) Britain and North America
(c) France and America
(d) Canada and South America

(b) Britain and North America  

10. Who drafted the “Declaration of American Independence’?

(a) George Washington
(b) Thomas Jefferson
(c) Karl Marx
(d) None of these

(b) Thomas Jefferson

11. World War I commenced in __________.

(a) 1904
(b) 1908
(c) 1910
(d) 1914

(d) 1914  

12. The first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on ___________

(a) Aug 6, 1945
(b) Aug 9, 1945
(c) Aug 9, 1946
(d) Aug 6, 1942

(a) Aug 6. 1945

13. Which country suffered the maximum in World War-II?

(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Japan
(d) England

(b) Germany  

14. The Treaty of Versailles ended the _______

(a) World War-I
(b) World War-II
(c) French Revolution
(d) Russo-Japanese War

(c) French Revolution

15. With which war is the name of Florence Nightingale associated?

(a) World War-I
(b) Wor1d War-II
(c) Crimean War
(d) Battle of Leipzig

(a) World War-I  

16. with which war is the name of florence nightingale associated?

(a) World War-I
(b) Wortd War-II
(c) crimean war
(d) Battle of Leipzig

(C)crimean war

17. Battle of Salamis was fought between the Athenian fleet and Persian fleet Persian fleet was defeated. When was the battle fought?

(a) 408 AD
(b) 408 BC
(c) 668 AD
(d) 668 BC

(b) 408 BC  

18. Spartan War I was fought in 459 BC between Sparta and Athen. For how long the war lasted?

(a) 30 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 20 years

(a) 30 years  

19. Who was defeated in Spartan War-II fought in 431 BC?

(a) Persians
(b) Spartans
(c) Athenians
(d) Egyptian

(c) Athenians

20. In 190 BC a battle was fought between Syrians and Romans. Syrian Army was defeated. Name the battle?

(a) Battle of Magnesia
(b) Battle of Arabia
(c) Battle of Gibraltar
(d) Battle of Platae

(a) Battle of Magnesia  

21. Hundred-Year War was fought in 1338 AD. 1453 AD. between

(a) France and England
(b) France and Germany
(c) England and Germany
(d) England and Dutch

(a) France and England  

22. Started in 1618 AD. as a religious-cum-political war between the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international is known as:

(a) War of Roses
(b) Thirty years war
(c) Seven years war
(d) Boer war

(b) Thirty years war  

23. A Civil War between Cavaliers (King Charles I supporters) and forces of Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell in which King Charles I was executed, was fought  between

(a) 1637 AD. ____ 1642 AD.
(b) 1642 AD. ____ 1649 AD.
(C) 1639 AD. ___ 1645 AD.
(d) 1640 AD. ____ 1642 AD.

(b) 1642 AD. ____ 1649 AB.  

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